It's Snooooowwwing!!!!!


Well-known member
I know this is a global website, so most people won't care much, but for those in England who care, HOW MAD IS THIS!!!>????

anybody lucky enough to get the day off work/school?!

I was up at 6.30am this morning, cause I had to catch a train, so my footsteps were one of the first on the snow!'s so beautiful when huge patches of land are covered over in this smooth clean blanket of snow!

....and then my trains we're all cancelled!!!!! I'm back home building snowmen with my sisters!!! wooo!!!!

happy snowday everybody!


Well-known member
I'm working from home today because of it - and because the roads are so snarled up dad's only just managed to bring me my stuff now. It's quarter past 10!


Well-known member
We actually had decent snow in the south west, hasn't been like this in years (is only a few inches, for any hardcore blizzard survivors out there) but its pretty damn good for here.

I'll put up some piczores.


Well-known member
check it out,



and these next two were taken in hyde park at 8am this morning. Was one of the most beautiful things I've EVER seen!


aaaah I hate snow! I live in Canada where it's been snowy since like November...Luckily it's not that cold anymore, only like zero degrees C most of the time. But we'll get our last snowfall in like April as usual...I HATE SNOW!!!!!!

Unless I'm snowboarding...then I love it!!


Well-known member
Here's a pic I took in Bracebridge from the weekend (my friend here), we have close to that amount here, its pretty, but, I'm starting to get quite sick of it. feeling the cabin fever, going a bit stir crazy, might take out my hatchet soon :eek: :eek:


Wow! Is that a hill behind her, or is that actually the amount of snow that falls?!....I'm tempted to say I'm jealous, but I guess if you live with this amount of snow all the time, it might get annoying?!


Well-known member
Loved the snow this week! ::p:

It's been nice to have it on the ground for the last 6 days or so- usually it just comes and goes within a day.