It's my birthday and I feel like dying.


Well-known member
I thought I would have it together by now and today I turn 18
Despite what you may think, it's uncommon for eighteen year olds to have it all figured out. Some do know their path, but most people don't. It's not always so obvious. Of course, cultural pressure permits a person to have a career path, partner, money, and a general forward motion in life, when anyone knows that's definitely not the case.

Don't worry too much. I know you feel like it's hopeless and there's no way you are going to amount to anything, but just remember that you're still a teenager, and will be for two more years, before you hit your tumultuous twenties, where you will find out who you really are. :)

Happy birthday.


Well-known member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And I completely agree with Mikey. Don't feel bad for not having it together, I'm about to be 27 and I am still wandering. Enjoy your teens, and just take deep breaths.

I hope all your birthday wishes come true:)
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Hang in there birthday girl! :)

Believe it or not, things will get better. Give it time. "This too shall pass". The best is yet to come - fabulous, exciting, wonderful things. Have faith. LEARN from this hardship. Be well.


Well-known member
you are very young,its not too late,in fact its never too late to persue what you want.
I just turned 27 and havent got anything figured out either,I still have stuff I need to do and stuff that I want to do,most people around me are mid 20s,30s,40s and they still havent figured out their lives either,they still have stuff they want to do or need to do,its life and it will probably always feel like that,because if you had everything figured out or achieved everything,what would you live for?

One important thing and very simple one,but dificult to follow,even today for me,is you have to put time in what you want to do,you cant expect to get something without putting some time in and practicing,this is very simple but I often lost a lot of time theorizing and afraid of rejection,but what I didnt see and people dont talk about was that the sucessful people that I looked up to probably failed as many times or much more than they won,but didnt gave up.