Is social anxiety even the issue?


Well-known member
Less thinking more doing.

If your noticing an increase in SA means your focusing on it, willing it to happen.

Couple things crossed my mind when I first read this.
Being scared of progress- said with repect to you.

First I thought, you've acknoledged the problem.
Your getting ready for change, but looking for a way out.

I say stuff the SA and make the CBT, The group and backpacking happen.
By trying your making your self stronger to push yourself over the top of SA and other issues.

Make it happen otherwise all week your going to be thinking I should of done it, and when the next oppurtunity arises you'll be making excuses again.



Well-known member
interesting question. i think "social anxiety" is just a term, what the psychologists and scientists are calling it for ease of study and communication about it. who knows what the real issue is with shy, introvertive people who suffer backlashes of (all the ailments you listed in your post)? it's an extremely intangible thing to study and learn about, and when we think we got a grasp on it, suddenly something else comes up to make it more complicated. i've begun to slowly relent to the possibility that i'll never be cured of it through any means and that at best i'll have to do my best to cope with and evolve around it so that it's not such a destructive thing in my life. maybe you've got the right angle that works for your situation, the right perspective for dealing with/beating it. i've been searching for the best angle of attaack against this thing my whole life, haven't found it yet ;).


Well-known member
If your anxiety is as bad as mine, it doesn't matter what you think when you are around people. I just plain feel uncomfortable. I don't like eye contact w/ strangers. I used to try to make all eye contact w/ strangers all of the time. I finally just figured out it's better to just avoid it. It was making being around people worse.

I've tried everything, 5 different counselors, 6 different medications which all did nothing, 2 of them made me feel more suicidal, i tried hanging out w/ friends which also eventually led to suicidal thoughts. I've done CBT, it did nothing except annoy me with more thoughts. I tried working a job which ended in disaster. I tore my left shin muscle and 1 year and a half later its still torn. I made no friends at the job and already spent all the money i earned. I have one last hope, this place in Kansas City called Anxiety Center for KC. My parents are paying for it and I'm assuming they are going to have some group thing to try to help with my anxiety. After that, my only option left is progressive muscle relaxation. If that doesn't work out after about 10 yrs is up, i'd think that's about it, I'll have to give up and live the rest of my life with anxiety.