Very interesting thread topic. Well, when I read that you journal so often, it makes me have a lot of respect for you, so I must see it as a positive and self-care kind of thing
Hmm.. as far as becoming too self-absorbed from journaling... I think that can rely on a lot of things. If you're using forums (like spworld) and having a journal, it can definitely be too much you-focused time. If you're out and about, challenging fears or having fun living life and you don't give yourself a lot of time to dwell, then having a journal is a very good thing.
But on the other hand if you're a person that has a lot of emotions, and even dwells all day on your problems, or you're not able to express yourself in the public eye, then putting your emotions down on paper can help to release them.
If you feel like it puts you too much in your head, is it because you are writing about things that you are not expressing in your living life and it lets some real hidden emotions start to emerge that you can't hold back the rest of the day? Or is it because you feel like you're analyzing yourself instead of expressing yourself in your journal? Or mabe, like me, it's easier to hide in your problems as an excuse not to connect with people when they're around, and your journal gives you a reference to all the things you can hide in?
It sounds like it could be important to further think about why your journaling is making you feel detached from the world. Maybe take a break from it for a few days even and see what happens