Is it popular amongst people like us


Well-known member
To talk to ourselves? I'll admit I do it all the time. Am I strange for doing this? I even talk out loud sometimes. I've done it for years, but only when I'm certain no one else is around.
I've heard some people say it's a sign of insanity, but I don't buy into that. Still, I'm curious if others of you do the same thing?


I dont do it alot personaly except sometimes say when my anxiety is really bad im like "Danny pull yaself together ya can do this" ect,but i dont think its a sign ya bonkers or off ya tree.Unless ya wondering round town having 2 sided arguments with yourself muttering and laughing hystericaly :lol: I think most people do it to a certain extent.


Well-known member
lol done it all my life, i mostly fight with my conscious out loud. and i curse at the other me sometimes, but when no ones around, I think it's pretty normal.


Well-known member
ljwwriter said:
i've heard some people say it's a sign of insanity

it is NOT's just a way to fight your negative's a way to listen to yourslef.a way to stop you from thinking negative.and it is more powerful if you do it out loud.


Well-known member
I talk to myself more than anyone.
I've heard that it's a sign of intelligence, except when you get into answering yourself (ie. two way convo) then it's a sign of insanity.


Well-known member
No, ljw you're not strange and you're not alone. I do it all the time. When you're alone so much you feel like you have to speak out loud sometimes and verbalize thoughts, instead of always thinking. Know what I mean? I know other people who don't have SA that do it as well. No big deal.
Now if you had no control over what you were saying and it was just spilling out, that would be a problem.


Well-known member
yes I do talk to myself. I feel insane when I do. Ive even noticed that I do it around people.

I think a few times when I was being driven around by my grandma my mind would start wondering off to some other world. But I would like, respond to my thoughts out loud. Like out of nowhere I would catch myself almost saying.. "oh yeah thats ridiculous"... or just something like that. Haha... dont know if that made scense.

So for me its more like I think a lot to myself. But say random things out loud that dont make scense to anybody but me... which is fine cause usually im not around people


Well-known member
ripewithdecay said:
I talk to myself more than anyone.

Ditto! I always find I need to verbalize my thoughts.. I think it's because a spoken thought has more power/permenance than one just in your head, so it helps differentiates the important thoughts from the less important ones

I find if i'm depressed though, it makes things worse and I have to shut myself up


Well-known member
Yeah I do it all the time
if there was a hidin camera in my house it would be friggin hilarious
As for being insane its when u have conversations with yaself as if u r 2 people i think
I reckon its coz we identify with our minds 2 much


Well-known member
In bed, I talk to myself, At work and at home, I mumble under my breath to myself. I always talk to myself because im the only person I can connect with =(


Well-known member
I do it a lot but it's usually discussing stuff with myself but yeh i guess it can get a bit argumentative sometimes lol

It's usually that i'm imagining/practicing having a conversation with someone (like what people do in the mirror).

Tis just easier to think out loud sometimes.


Well-known member
The only time i'm talkative is when i'm talking to myself!! Normally, i'll reason or think aloud - it just helps me to sort my thoughts out if i say them aloud. Naturally, i only talk to myself when i'm sure no one else will hear - my mum and my brother have caught me talking to myself loads of time before though. Not that it makes any difference with them! They already think i'm weird - they say it's what they like about me.


Well-known member
i talk what is in my mind aloud most of the ties.even when my parents is's like i already used to it.if i don't said it out what's in my mind i'l feel uncomfortable. :lol:


I used to. I started being more careful after one of my roommates caught me a couple times and I tried to play it off like I was cursing at the tv or something.


Active member
Sometimes I swear out loud or blurt out very negative things like "I hate everyone" or "I will kill you" for reasons that would not be apparent to an eavesdropper (although I'm pretty good at controlling this behavior when I think people might hear me). Usually I do this in response to intrusive thoughts that I have about past experiences that I feel embarrassed about. I also tend to flinch and make unpleasant facial expressions when I have these thoughts.

The problem was worse when I was more depressed, years ago. Also, talking about the embarrassing memories with my therapist helped. It's still a problem for me, though. It mainly afflicts me when I first get up in the morning.


Well-known member
When you think about it. Writing a jounal or diary is the exact same thing. Talking to yourself. Just in writing and not out loud. And no one calls people who keep a diary insane.