Is it popular amongst people like us

Yes I do that often, mostly when i'm angry or have had a "3rd kind close encounter" with humans :roll: wich happens more often that i would like to. I have found sometimes i discuss with myself very hard getting angry with myself and even gesticulating... until i realise that someone can see me talking alone and gesticulating like in a discussion... and then i stop... but usually when this happens it is VERY difficult for me to stop it. That makes me think it's not something vane but a real sign of mental disease.
I used ta talk about this whith my psichologist and he used to say i should not allow that to happen cause it makes me think irrationally and makes bad feelings grow inside of me and maybe the reason for my problems.
I don't know how you call it in english, but this is a common neurotic's feature known as 'circular thinking' which makes a subject elaborate non rational ideas which grow bad feelings and is all a never ending story making insanity go on and on.


Active member
I talk to myself all the time.When i was in the military i had to stand
guard for hours so, it was the only thing i could do against boredome.Oneday some officer heard me talking to myself and
asked "who are you talking to?" I happened to have a radio in my hand,
i told him "i was talking to the radio sir!"... But normally i don't care if my
parents or even neighbours see me doing that.Because they know i'm
not that crazy.


Well-known member
Well at least now I know I'm not alone. I talk to myself everyday and I don't think I could stop if I tried. I don't do it at all when other people are around, but when I'm alone as I usually am I can't seem to help but have a bit of a conversation with myself.
My sister has caught me before. I remember her saying quite some time ago how I was having a whole conversation with myself. She said I was answering myself and everything, which I know is true. But I guess when you just don't have anyone else to talk to a lot of the time you'll start talking aloud to yourself to make things at least slightly less lonely.


Well-known member
Talking to yourself is popular with everybody :lol:

Seriously, most people do it even if they don't realise it.
Sometimes it's the only way you get sense and decent answers :wink:


Well-known member
No, you are defiinitely not the only one. Most of the time when I am by myself, I have many conversations with myself about a variety of things. I feel so comfortable with myself and talking to myself enables me to let my feelings out in the open. I also talk to myself while at work, but I do it much less than at home and I talk in a lower voice. My mind is constantly thinking about so many things sometimes and I find it very hard to just keep things in my head all the time. People have asked me who I am talking to. When I tell them "to myself" they sometimes give me a funny look. Some people have told me that they also talk to themselves, but I'm sure they don't do it nearly as much as I do!


Well-known member
I talk things through in my head, but apart from swearing when angry, I've never talked to myself outloud especially not in public. The only people I've seen do that were drunk or crazy.


Active member
Strong_Silent_One said:
Yes I do that often, mostly when i'm angry or have had a "3rd kind close encounter" with humans :roll: wich happens more often that i would like to. I have found sometimes i discuss with myself very hard getting angry with myself and even gesticulating... until i realise that someone can see me talking alone and gesticulating like in a discussion...

that is me exactly! Especially if I'm angry about something that happened to me earlier in the day, I will re-play what happened and then angrily discuss what comeback I could of said at that time, lolz.

Other times, I do it because its kind of comforting.
holy crap!! I thought I was the only person who did this! That's a load off my mind lol. And I don't think it's a sign of insanuty, if anything I'd say talking my thoughts to myself keeps me sane.


Well-known member
I talk to myself and answer myself, have done for years and years. How long? I said years and years! :lol:

Peace xxx


I do talk to myself when I'm scared. I find a little place in my mind and talk to myself while the world is falling. The conversation takes place in between of outside world and my internal world - as I don't want to suffer outside, but.. inside of me I'll also suffer in between i just... am.


Well-known member
I tend to do it, Especially if Im panicking, its reassuring to say things out loud I guess.
i think talking to yourself is healthy;
maybe somewhat a form of therapy.
don't worry about what others may say or think;
its for you :]


Well-known member
I have full on philosophical conversations with myself, sometimes for half an hour. I speak to myself and then answer back in my alter-ego. The only limitation is that my other self is very similar to myself so that I end up agreeing with myself a lot! :) It's very entertaining and stimulating sometimes because I actually act very professional with myself, as if I'm conversing with other intellectuals in a parlor or something. Sometimes I even get dissapointed because when I go out and discuss with real people they are never as mature and understanding as I am toward myself! Sometimes I imagine myself (which answers back) as a best-friend type person who knows me better than anyone else. I guess it's the idealized "perfect" friend I'd like to have but don't. I have friends but none of them fulfill my need for someone who is really like me and shares my exact interests etc. He's always male, somehow me but also slightly different from me as if I'm projecting myself out as a distinct personality, and he's always very open-minded and an excellent listener. :) Go figure.

Anyway, it's not a sign of anything. Don't worry. Humans are weird.

People are just different and some people talk to themselves, and the ones who do do it in different ways. I'm not afraid to be "insane" or different. I still come across as perfectly normal in my everyday interactions with people, if a little shy. I think I do it partially for intellectual stimulation, as when I'm bored and reading a good book or something. It's good preparation for when you get into discussions with other people. It's also good to do it aloud in your real voice if you want to prepare for something official (like an interview) where you have to speak.


Well-known member
I do all the time, it's just thinking out loud, not exactly talking to myself. I ask myself questions, but I don't answer myself or have conversations with myself. I only do it when I'm alone and no one is around me. Sometimes I say out loud what I'm writing on the computer, like I'm actually having a conversation with someone. When I'm around people I'm usually really self conscious, so I carefully think about what I do. That's one way I know I'm completely comfortable, I talk to myself a lot.