Yes I do that often, mostly when i'm angry or have had a "3rd kind close encounter" with humans :roll: wich happens more often that i would like to. I have found sometimes i discuss with myself very hard getting angry with myself and even gesticulating... until i realise that someone can see me talking alone and gesticulating like in a discussion... and then i stop... but usually when this happens it is VERY difficult for me to stop it. That makes me think it's not something vane but a real sign of mental disease.
I used ta talk about this whith my psichologist and he used to say i should not allow that to happen cause it makes me think irrationally and makes bad feelings grow inside of me and maybe the reason for my problems.
I don't know how you call it in english, but this is a common neurotic's feature known as 'circular thinking' which makes a subject elaborate non rational ideas which grow bad feelings and is all a never ending story making insanity go on and on.
I used ta talk about this whith my psichologist and he used to say i should not allow that to happen cause it makes me think irrationally and makes bad feelings grow inside of me and maybe the reason for my problems.
I don't know how you call it in english, but this is a common neurotic's feature known as 'circular thinking' which makes a subject elaborate non rational ideas which grow bad feelings and is all a never ending story making insanity go on and on.