Important note for vegetarians/vegans!!!


Well-known member
I have been a pretty strict vegetarian for about 6 or 7 years now, and I recently started to consider going back to eating meat just because of how hungry I am all the time. I decided to start looking up ways to get around going back to meat by taking supplements and I started seeing a lot of people on the internet saying that they have been anxious, depressed, and chronically fatigued since they went veggie as well. I looked a bit further into it and found that it is almost exclusively caused by a lack of Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D-3 (especially if you live in a sun-lacking place like Seattle) Omega-3 fatty acids, Iron, Calcium, Protein, and a few other things that are hard to get without meat. I just recently started taking supplements for a lot of it, along with L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP, Piracetam, Phosphatidyl Choline, and a few other general wellness supplements. I've only been doing it for a couple weeks now so I probably haven't gotten the whole effect of it, but I have noticed a slight difference. It sucks popping pills all the time, the benefit far outweighs the inconvenience.

All of the supplements that I mentioned are non-prescription, so you can probably find them at any health food or supplement store. Piracetam is a bit harder to find, but there are places on the internet that have it, and it's definitely worth the effort.

Another thing that can help is to carry around a bag of nuts or trailmix in your backpack/purse so that you can always be getting extra fat and protein.

Just remember before you go eating a hot dog, that you don't need to compromise your well-being to stand up for what you believe in.


Well-known member
Why not just eat some eggs or drink some milk once in a while?

That's great for protein and calcium, but there are still plenty of things you can't get from those. Also, this thread is for vegetarians AND vegans, so the eggs and dairy wouldn't work too well for the latter group.

Also, getting enough protein isn't as simple as having an egg or a glass of milk every once in a while. The amount of eggs and dairy you'd need to fulfill your entire protein needs would be unhealthy for other reasons, so you need other things as well.

Being vegetarian isn't as easy as just not eating meat. It takes a lot more effort to stay healthy, getting the right amount of nutrients.


as a vegan,I get all the above nutrients. I take supplements, and I dont have much time to prepare food for myself so I just take whatever I can have.

Ive done a few bloodtests and I am just fine apparently, nutrition-wise.

Maybe there's something not being shown though with these bloodtests.

I should go to a physician.
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By far the best way to remain healthy mentally and physically is to sweat it out for 1-2 hours a day. Eating healthy helps, but exercise is the thing that revs up the metabolism and keeps you fresh all day long. Ever since I've started yoga and brisk walks, I've become more composed in difficult social situations. I've also become fitter and lost 10 kilos permanently in less than a year. No matter how timid, anxious or depressed I feel among certain people, the moment I get down to exercise my depression lifts.

I've realized that I can stay on pure vegetarian food if I exercise well. Animal food is for those who don't exercise. Maybe it is sedative and gives some temporary relief from depression but we all know that in the long run it is only worsens depression.

Eat veg, exercise well, and I'm sure everyone who's on medication will see their doses coming down drastically. Last year I was on 7 tablets a day, now all I need is a tiny little Mirtaz/mirtadep.


Well-known member
I've realized that I can stay on pure vegetarian food if I exercise well. Animal food is for those who don't exercise. Maybe it is sedative and gives some temporary relief from depression but we all know that in the long run it is only worsens depression.

Hahaha, WHAT?! Tell that to any of the 99% of professional athletes that DO eat meat. Homo sapiens are OMNIVORES. We evolved over 200,000 years eating meat along with veggies. Lean meat is a great source of protein and vitamins.


Well-known member
Hahaha, WHAT?! Tell that to any of the 99% of professional athletes that DO eat meat. Homo sapiens are OMNIVORES. We evolved over 200,000 years eating meat along with veggies. Lean meat is a great source of protein and vitamins.

Maybe he meant "animal food" as in grains, grasses, fruits and other foods that animals eat. Though, in that context it doesn't make sense either way :D
I said it in terms of lifting depression. I'm not referring to professional athletes. Veg food is good for reducing the toxins in the body and helps us depressed folks feel lighter. But as Joolin said some vegetarians feel the need to go back to non-vegetarian food because symptoms of depression reappear. Here is where exercise can help and avoid the urge to eat meat.


I said it in terms of lifting depression. I'm not referring to professional athletes. Veg food is good for reducing the toxins in the body and helps us depressed folks feel lighter. But as Joolin said some vegetarians feel the need to go back to non-vegetarian food because symptoms of depression reappear. Here is where exercise can help and avoid the urge to eat meat.

what if you do exercise and it doesn't do a damn thing?


Well-known member
Hahaha, WHAT?! Tell that to any of the 99% of professional athletes that DO eat meat. Homo sapiens are OMNIVORES. We evolved over 200,000 years eating meat along with veggies. Lean meat is a great source of protein and vitamins.

Hey now, I didn't start this thread as a debate over the merits of a vegetarian/vegan diet, I started it to help people who already are vegetarian and want help with their mood/energy. If you're not vegetarian, you have nothing to add to or gain from this thread. Nothing against meat eaters, but that's just not what this thread is about.


Well-known member
Being hungry is a good indication of how strong your digestive fire is. Eat more grains which take a little longer to digest. Nuts are an awesome snack. I would add more good oils if you are concerned about nervous issues.

Also, I have tons of vegetarian friends growing up who were thorough vegetarians and haven't had any vitamin deficiency issues. The key is include a variety of food items, basically a balanced diet.

It is common knowledge in the east, about how eating meat affects one's personality. I don't think this has been explored in the West much.
Peaceful mind through Diet

Also the difference between fresh food and frozen food, refrigerated food needs to be explored.

Here are some interesting links:
China Study

Dr Campbell's Book

The main point of this book is that most nutritional studies that we hear about in the media are poorly constructed because of
"scientific reductionism." That is, they attempt to pin down the effects of a single nutrient in isolation from all other aspects of diet and lifestyle.
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