Impending doom

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
So I was in walmart today, and there's already holiday stuff everywhere??? what? Anyone else cringe and feel nausea at the thought of Christmas? or its unpleasant precursor, thanksgiving?
social occasions + family = hell


the christmas tree goes up in august and doesnt get taken down til the following june!
the whole year evolves around christmas!
**** christmas, it does ma nut in


Well-known member
I just like the time of year really, and christmas just sort of gives me nostalgia, so it's okay. Not really a big deal for me. I also sorta like Christmas songs :|. But covered, not the originals in particular.

seazonz greetingz


Well-known member
I actually enjoy Christmas time. Good food, cooler weather, get to see some relatives, and strings of colored lights. And the live Hendrix version of Silent Night, Holy Night/ Auld Lang Syne is usually my personal highlight.

Yet no matter what my attitude is going in, it always leaves me feeling cast off, miserable, lonely, and empty. So I like Christmas, yet it always makes me feel sad.... :confused: