I'm back home from Melbourne! The drive back had to include many stops because I was very tired from inadequate sleep last night, and it was getting tough having to concentrate on the highway for long periods. However, I got back in one piece. I've showered, brushed my teeth, unpacked everything, and I'm feeling good. All I need now is a top night's sleep and I'll be back to normal.
Overall I had a good time. New Year's was a disaster, and being around extreme people for so long can get tiring, but I did have fun. Recording music, our trip to Bonnie Doon, and our Mexican dinner out were the highlights for me. Everyone was generally well behaved, too. Generally.
I didn't get to catch up with my mate's sister, who I think is cool, so that was upsetting, but to counterbalance that I met his roommate and he's a cool dude. So I guess it evened out.