I'm Kathleen!


New member
new here!


I just found out about Social Phobia, not really sure if I do or don't have it. Leaning more towards me having it, just because I have many of the signs.
Not sure what the "average age" for the people here is, I'm a teenager, so yeah.

Oh, just wondering, do alot of ya'll have "fantasies/dreams" where you just improve your life and maybe even act them out some. Just a dream and then go with the flow, maybe making your life better then it really is?
Just wondering, haha.




New member

This sight really helps, I've always noticed something different with me and this sight gives it a name haha!


Well-known member
Ohai :) I read that SA usually starts in adolescence and I think there are quite a few teenagers here. (including me, ew, angstangstangst) :p

Yes I fantasise all the time about how my life could be better. Even when I do take proactive steps, situations are so much more refined in my imagination.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Greetings to you. Such positive dreams are not something I have had. I cannot even remember my dreams anymore. Anyhow, I greet you to the forum. May you find the answers to your inquiries.


New member
Thank ya'll so much!

Yes, the site already is helping!

I hope all of you are help by it as much as me!
Welcome Kathleen ::p:

I think my escape when I was in middle/high school was books... and even now I occasionally like to retreat into an old favorite. Instead of making my own life fun and exciting, I would just imagine myself as a character from whatever current book I was reading and think "it would be great if I could just 'live' this story." Books make a lot of things seem easier to do than they actually are in reality.


Well-known member
Welcome Kathleen! :D

Do you mean if I ever daydream about my life being better? DEFINITELY, that's what I do all the time, really all the time, and I've been wondering if anyone else did the same. I daydream that I do things I would love to do, in a life I would love to live.
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New member
I now understand what people on this forum meant with fantasies and stuff. You just think/dream about how your life could be or how you want it to be, right? I do that too, but isn't that normal?


Well-known member
Hi Kathleen,

Also joined today and yes, "talking" does help. I'm 34 - so obvioisly not a teenager, but I remember escaping through the stories I wrote. I still play scenes in my head of favourable outcomes to difficult situations. Is called visualisation and is very helpfull!