I'm destined to be alone forever..


Staff member
Vanialo28 said:
Oh, I actually live under a bridge, strip for money, and have my mom and daughter working as whores to support my addiction.. to cocaine.

yeah I know, I'm pimping you ho's!


Kinda related

Consider: In 1970, 69 percent of 25-year-old and 85 percent of 30-year-old white men were married; in 2000, only 33 percent and 58 percent were, respectively. And the percentage of young guys tying the knot is declining as you read this. Census Bureau data show that the median age of marriage among men rose from 26.8 in 2000 to 27.5 in 2006 – a dramatic demographic shift for such a short time period.


If that article is actually for real and not just there to blame men for all problems in the world, one should realize that women also play their part in as much as the men do.


Well-known member
i wonder if there's anyone out there
who is old and alone and has never found a compatible partner
the saying goes there is someone for everyone but is there always? i don't believe so
maybe one wasn't looking hard enough
maybe they did and settled for less

don't mean to be a debbie downer but i need to meet such a person one day and ask them if they believe in rebirth/reincarnation, heaven or eternal 'blackness'

in other words- it doesn't matter now,
don't regret the person you were
we can feel forced to depend on the world
but eventually reality will have all just been a dream