I'm a misanthrope


Well-known member
Foxglove said:
Well, in that case....yeah, I do feel like I'm practically the only person in the world who tries to be polite, to follow the rules, to be fair, to always try to do the right thing. But what does that get me? I get treated as a doormat, people walk all over me, and there's nothing I can do about it. I have always taught my son to do all the things I just described, but I can't help feeling that I'm doing him a disservice. Maybe I should teach him to be a pushy, rude asshole, then he would certainly have an easier time in life.

Son is most likely to copy what father do anyways.
TheWall said:
Jura said:
I think of myself as a shy extrovert. I used to be popular but then got shy, and that was the end of that. I love people, talking to them, etc. And when I see them laughing, talking, I don't feel hatred, just envy. I want to be like them, the center of attention, again.

And yet I feel I'm "better" than most people in a way, and feel that if I got rid of my shyness, I would be cool again.

Shy extrovert? That doesn't make any goddamn sense. It's an oxymoron.



Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
I think I'm a misanthrope. I distrust people and humanity as a whole. I believe in the evilness of human beings. I have a massive shield that keeps people at a distance. But I also feel guilty because of this.

I'm convinced that I'm a much "better" person than most people. Does this sound arrogant, or do I come across as a narcissist? I'm sure there are other members here who feel the same...

same here but i don't think I'm better though


Well-known member
TheWall said:
Jura said:
I think of myself as a shy extrovert. I used to be popular but then got shy, and that was the end of that. I love people, talking to them, etc. And when I see them laughing, talking, I don't feel hatred, just envy. I want to be like them, the center of attention, again.

And yet I feel I'm "better" than most people in a way, and feel that if I got rid of my shyness, I would be cool again.

Shy extrovert? That doesn't make any goddamn sense. It's an oxymoron.

She probably meant that she was normal shy. -_- SA to the extreme shy.


Well-known member
I definitely have a misanthropic side to me that loathes all the power-crazed, self-obsessed, disloyal and downright nasty traits in humanity... but there's also a part of me that enjoys spending time with people and sharing things with them, so I know I'm not a complete misanthrope :wink:

By the way, what's your avatar pic SocialButterSlip? I've been squinting at it for a couple of minutes but I can't work it out, lol!


I once got called a misanthrope by a guy in my hockey locker room after practice. I didn't know what it meant so I went home and looked it up. I was shocked to learn that it meant a hater of mankind and couldn't believe anyone viewed me that way. I guess when you're quiet and you keep to yourself other people think you're a total jerk. Sometimes I feel so completely misunderstood that I think I'm on the wrong planet.


There is a joy in my heart knowing that every single human will eventually die and all their hopes,struggles,dreams won't mean sh1t :p. Especially the people who dedicate their lives to a "God" and pray to "heaven". Bwahahaha :lol:


Well-known member
I think even if i got past my sa and depression i would still be anti-social because most people are idiots. I know that makes me sound arrogant but from my personal experience it has proven to be true.


Volaju said:
There is a joy in my heart knowing that every single human will eventually die and all their hopes,struggles,dreams won't mean sh1t :p. Especially the people who dedicate their lives to a "God" and pray to "heaven". Bwahahaha :lol:

Be careful because you don't know what you're saying. You have no idea what things are going to mean at the end of your life or anyone else's. To say that everything is going to come to nothing is being presumptuous.

And that's not joy that you have in your heart. It's hatred. Hatred towards God, hatred towards mankind and especially hatred towards yourself. I feel sorry for you that you feel this way.


Well-known member
lostinspace said:
I guess when you're quiet and you keep to yourself other people think you're a total jerk. Sometimes I feel so completely misunderstood that I think I'm on the wrong planet.
That's one more reason to hate people.. I have come to the conclusion that I hate people so much, that having a girlfriend or wife would be totally out of the question for me, even if I weren't the shyest person in the world. I'd much rather spend my life in a cave by myself. I find people dangerous and worthless. They terrify me...


lostinspace said:
Volaju said:
There is a joy in my heart knowing that every single human will eventually die and all their hopes,struggles,dreams won't mean sh1t :p. Especially the people who dedicate their lives to a "God" and pray to "heaven". Bwahahaha :lol:

Be careful because you don't know what you're saying. You have no idea what things are going to mean at the end of your life or anyone else's. To say that everything is going to come to nothing is being presumptuous.

And that's not joy that you have in your heart. It's hatred. Hatred towards God, hatred towards mankind and especially hatred towards yourself. I feel sorry for you that you feel this way.

DUH, didn't you read the topic? MISANTHROPE= a general dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human species. Of course i hate mankind, hate myself? Dunno. Hate God?How can i hate something that does not exist? I don't hate Santa Claus,same with Easter Bunny..what i meant by God is; people who keep thinking that their lives have an universal meaning and thinking they will survive eternity. I don't know what i'm saying? Oh please, open your eyes and your brains and ditch the bible, then talk to me. Oh btw i don't feel sorry for you, i just laugh (like in my previous post;) :lol: