ignore list

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great idea i reckon:)

cause if i put someone on my ignore list, i dont have to read what they say, so then i wont get angry and banned

and also that person wouldnt end up in the hospital::p:


I guess I could be the spoilsport and tell you that you won't be able to put moderators on your ignore list :D

aye, ive already tried that, pink made a thread about can you block a mod just for a laugh though:)

i wouldnt want to block a mod, cause yous are all so lovely::p:


Well-known member
I can't think of anyone I'd want to put on an ignore list. There's been comments I don't like, of course...but not to the point of ignoring the person.
I can't think of anyone I'd want to put on an ignore list. There's been comments I don't like, of course...but not to the point of ignoring the person.

I actually agree with this... I have never felt the need to put anyone on ignore. If I disagree with someone, that's life... plus you can't put people on an ignore list in real life.



Well-known member
I actually agree with this... I have never felt the need to put anyone on ignore. If I disagree with someone, that's life... plus you can't put people on an ignore list in real life.

I've only put one person on a forum ignore list, it was a Christian forum. He believed I was a feminist for believing women can get an education, can have a job, and have the right not to be raped (even wives, shocker to him I guess). And he believed the rape of strippers was no big deal and told me to "focus on more important things". He enraged me soooo much, it made me sick....


Well-known member
I don't use it on this site. There is no one here that I disagree with enough to warrant it. Posts are easy enough to skip over if I don't want to read it. The ignore function might also extend to blocking PM's as well, so it's still useful for dealing with harassing messages. Although I feel blocking should be used in addition to reporting the PM's, not as a substitute.
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