If you HAVE to


Well-known member
Go out of the house/place you live in for ANY reason do you just go out and do it because it needs doing or ,

Do you wait till you think the coast is clear ( lol i do this) and then go out when you think its less likely that you will bump into anybody you know ?

And , if you do wait for the right moment to go outside, but then get outside and its overwhelming/more people about than expected, How do you feel ? What do you do? How do you react ? whats going on in your mind when you are going through this?

For me its awfull i find the more i do "wait" for the right moment the more anxious and frustrated i become , Then when i do finally venture out i find ive spoiled it formyself by getting worked up about a thing that to other people would be trivial , and then i feel really low and beat myself up for been like this for the rest of the day

I wish i could be normal i would love life if i didnt have S.A

P.s sorry if you didnt understand this well , im a little stressed about usuall stuff.


Well-known member
I'm not so bothered about crowds in public places, I worry more about bumping into people I know. When its crowded, I need to look around to see or not if there's some familiar face somewhere spying me shopping alone by myself.
I know exactlly what you mean. It doesn't matter wether it's going out shopping, or putting the bin out. If I look out the window and I see too many people outside doing day-to-day things, I wait till they're gone. It makes me anxious, and social situations make me not be able to walk properly. I get all tense and look like a retard. (I've watched myself in shop windows whilst I'm walking past them...) :\ It really sucks.


Well-known member
I can't go out by myself :( so i guess if i have things to do il wait until my mum/friend is around to do them =)


Well-known member
I can't go out by myself :( so i guess if i have things to do il wait until my mum/friend is around to do them =)

I am the exact same, i havent went out on my own for years now, hubby is always there for me though.. if hes not around my dad or a friend will go out with me if i need them to


Well-known member
going outside as never been a problem for me, whenever i feel like it i just do it. thought i always look around to dodge ppl i might know


Well-known member
I have to have a good look around first out of the upstairs window or back door to make sure no neighbours are lurking. If there is anyone around I usually wait until they've dissapeared before I go out.