if you have kids will they have sa too?


Well-known member
I do not see SA like" Mom does not talk to people," either I am...I do not think that my behaviours totaly effect my kid's behaviour...
"I have sa and so my kid should too" is totaly wrong.
I don't have any choice since I have Asperger's and it is genetic, my children may inherit it too when I'll have them, although I do not wish anyone to go through that. At least I'd be able to help them since I would know what the problem is. So not that bad.
I don't think Social Phobia is really genetic, but can be. Shyness can be genetic. Some children have social phobia as very young. Like my nephew does. Okay he does have other issues as well as is diagnosed as 'gifted', but since I could remember he was really shy, timid and avoided social contact hiding behind his mom (my sister). So... I don't think that it can not be genetic at all.
Although it is most times the environment that causes it to develop. I know that in my case to become to fear the situations huge impact on me had my grandma with her usual 'you need to behave better', 'what other people think is so important and you seem like a weirdo', 'what will they think of you', then it was the bullying that caused me to fear, and although I am now better, I am still anxious. For me it would be interesting to know about my 6 yr old nephew, what causes him to fear it, although he sometimes seems as awkward as I was ::p:


Active member
My mum and dad never had it, but my gran has it just as bad as me, always been worried about every little thing that ever happens, so i think it can be genetic.


Well-known member
if you have children will they end up with sa? is it genetic? or can you "raise" them to have it? Like "mommy doesnt talk to people so i dont either."

Anxiety is a genetic trait. My parents are both shy, they have more anxiety than shyness if that makes sense. If you have children with an outgoing man though, your kids probably won't be as shy, or maybe not shy at all. So it depends on your partner too. You could try to nurture them to not have SA, try to get them into clubs and sports and stuff, that could help.


Well-known member
Yes i think can be genetic. Im exactly like my mom in a lot of stuff. Two anxious parents huger chances and one parent less chances that your baby will be in the same struggle.
I wouldnt risk it by myself i dont want my child suffer with the same thing. I think i would be selfish and risk it only for my own happiness to have baby. I know i can raise her/him good make a lot of activities,clubs joining world is offering a lot of stuff wich should help be not that way but what if?? All the time is hanging in the air what if....


Well-known member
I'm not having kids. My family history is plagued with...not good stuff. Let's just say I'm lucky to only have anxiety issues. And I disagree with their being no genetic component whatsoever.

I will probably adopt in the future though. :) When I get my life together.


Well-known member
In late 2007, Yale researchers published a study identifying a gene variation associated with chronic worry and overthinking (what they call “rumination”). Last year, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital found a gene variation associated with SAD. Findings like these would explain why children of a parent with SAD are two to three times more likely to have the disorder; children of a parent with panic disorder are up to eight times more likely to exhibit PD.

Read more: Don?t Worry, Be Happy: Is Anxiety Genetic? - DivineCaroline

It sounds like anxiety is genetic and is based on other factors like trauma and envioronmental factors. Feel free to click on the link to read further on this subject.


you cannot pass s.a onto your kids, however you can pass on personality traits like shyness and sensitivity, introversion etc

life experiences and how you raise them will determine their overall mental state ... I would assume that because we know what to look out for and warning signs that we would be great protectors in making sure they don't get it :)


Well-known member
In late 2007, Yale researchers published a study identifying a gene variation associated with chronic worry and overthinking (what they call “rumination”). Last year, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital found a gene variation associated with SAD. Findings like these would explain why children of a parent with SAD are two to three times more likely to have the disorder; children of a parent with panic disorder are up to eight times more likely to exhibit PD.

Read more: Don?t Worry, Be Happy: Is Anxiety Genetic? - DivineCaroline

It sounds like anxiety is genetic and is based on other factors like trauma and envioronmental factors. Feel free to click on the link to read further on this subject.

Good post and i agree ;) Isnt there one specific gene what cause anxiety but combinations of genes seems in play with this sentence i agree. Gene play definetly role.


Yes I believe that there is a genetic diposition to it. Although the children may not all end up with SA.

Like myself, my mother has it and her mother has it, even my father, but I would not classify him having SA, there is alot of issues with him, that has caused him to be who he is. I am the only one actually diagnosed with it. Now my eldest daugher is showing signs of it, which is worrying, and another reason why I am fighting SA so hard right now. Where are my youngest is a complete opposite, but still does show some signs of anxiety as I am currently trying to find out her learning difficultly at school.

But there are other things I find are genetic where others do not..Like child abuse, I believe in same cases it is genetic, where others do not believe so.
I have it and my son has it. He didn't spend most of his growing up years with me, so I don't believe it was learned behaviour, but genetically predisposed behaviour.