If you could be anywhere right now...


Probably back in time a few years, armed with the knowledge and experience that i now possess.
If not that/there, then probably the planet Neptune.

Realistically...At Yan's Chinese restaurant stuffing my face with chicken fried rice!
Somewhere where it was snowing and I was cuddled up nice and cozy in a big warm comfy bed, with hot chocolate and a good book and a BIG giant window so that I could look out at all the freezing cold snow and go "HAHA snow, I'm warm, so neener neener." Maybe the Rockies. :p
Back home.

My friends think I'm out of my mind because we're all away at school and comparatively, it seems so much more exciting than the town we came from. But I miss the memories, I miss the atmosphere, and I miss feeling like I was a part of that place.


Well-known member
If not that/there, then probably the planet Neptune.
lol if it had a surface you could stand on

on that theme i would also like to be far far away too on the planet mars or on one of saturns moons would be cool that would be my dream :)


Well-known member
In another country, possibly Scotland or Ireland, inside of an old Stone castle on top of a cliff overlooking the sea, with gray, cool weather. Possibly a few hundred years ago or longer.