I think I'd be a panda bear, just sit in the forest all day eating bamboo, nothing will bother me because I will have all of the bamboo. I would then make a bamboo fort and outsmart all of the other panda bears..... Or maybe be a sloth they're pretty kick *** too....
Definitely a grizzly bear. ....Ruler of the woods.... eating salmon and berries all day.
Bears are so cool and they live in the most beautiful places. I also relate to their solitary side. Hibernating for months in a cave in the winter also appeals to me.
Eeek. I just read how a man was killed by a bear in Wyoming. I think the bears get pretty ornery when they are getting close to hibernation time. It's also when people are out bow and rifle hunting for elk.
That's funny ... I was just reading your intro, and you said you have a gerbil in your mind... Well where we call that a squirrel in a cage , running around and around on a sqeeky wheel.