if it wasnt for sa


Active member
I think I would be the fun loving person that people enjoyed being around like I once was. Probably at a higher level, since I would be older and have more things to talk about.


Well-known member
I'd be almost finished with college, not living with my parents and probably have a girlfriend. I'd still have problems stemming from Asperger's syndrome, though...
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I would live on a far away beach not having to worry about money, have a beautiful relationship and all the other amazing things in life. (I know i dont want much ;] ) (smiles)


Well-known member
I'd be finished with university and have a good-paying job. Hell, maybe I'd have a house. I'd have really kool friends too. Maybe I'd be in a nice relationship with a sweet girl. Other than that, I don't really know. It's hard to imagine these things when you've never lived.


Well-known member
If I didn't stutter, no idea where I would be. I am very happy with my life, so I'm glad I do :) to a certain extent anyways.


Well-known member
If i didn't have SA I'd have a job i'd love, friends that i loved a relationship that didn't come with complications, the chance to have my own family and most of all just to be happy for the sake of being happy lol
If I didnt have S.A. I would have more friends, I would be able to just get up and go anywhere by myself without worrying what others thought. I would pursue psychology. I would reach out to people more and help. I would speak my mind more and not let people say stuff I didn't agree with or that's morally wrong. I would stand up for myself when needed.


Well-known member
I can do anything even with my SA :)

Point proven, this summer I'm going to go live in a new state with my friend where I know no one, in the fall I'm going to college which thoroughly terrified me before, I can go out on the weekends, I can go to a party and be comfortable with myself.


I think I too would be a teacher. Probably a husband and a father too by now.
If I didn't have SA, BD, OCD, chronic insomnia... and my other problems, I'd be more successful and can stand on par with my friends. I'd also likely have little to no empathy because let's face it... we only REALLY understand the torment mostly because we've gone through it ourselves.

The lack of empathy together with my extremely ambitious nature... Well, I'd be terrified of this other "me". I'd probably not like him very much too. Then again, you know what they say... when you're high, the fall is great (something like that)...