I Weird or Strage?

Go with your gut feeling and pursue the career that you want. Nobody successful ever got to where they are by listening to peer pressure. Good as their intentions may or may not be, any advice that tries to bottle and/or stagger your natural ambitions- and which forces you to take 'the safe' route, is bad advice.

Many people I know didn't have kids until their 30s. Take all the time you need, and don't let people force you into responsibilities that you're not ready to take on.
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Well-known member
I don't think there is anything strange about your situation at all. Well done on being so driven for you goals.
Personally I think it's a lot more important to be able rely on yourself before choosing someone to spend your life with. 21 is far to young for kids in my opinion anyway.
But everyone is different though and should respect each others life choices.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. You're not weird OR strange. But you Are a bad speller though. :p

Not that there's anything wrong with being weird or strange, mind you. If everyone was the same, life would be like a Republican political convention. *Shivers at the thought*

pubs are pretty popular places that preoccupy many people, and though you usually see the same sorts of folks in them, occasionally there might be someone playing a banjo in a tent outside the men's room. seeing that may make you shiver too.


I Weird or Strange?

Best thread I've seen

My parents were 17 when married with two sons. I wish I was there too, when it was 1948. I didn't want to be born when they were 50 in 1976 and already retired. I never wanted any family until I was a successful scientific pioneer and engineer. I planned my life that way. I never knew you needed to be a socialite to have a decent life. Someone should have told me. I saw all these people as stupid. :thumbdown: I wanted to expand my mind. Everyone else in the family (much older and now younger) are just brainless smilers and laughers. I was the one to ever go to a decent school, and I think that meant I was a geek. Only my latest niece got to go to an expensive school, when her Dad, my oldest brother was 50 and retired, with a new wife. I'm sure she is getting on fine with her older family (sisters) unlike my age gap. Her Dad is the best. Life requires laughing. No intelligence

Well... facebook is a chance for a geek to grow a friendlist and gain some status. Don't waste your chance
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Well-known member
I'm 21 and everyone that I know has either got a family or got a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I just don't want that, I want a career a successfull career but everyone is telling me I'm strange because I want that.
Even when I meet up with people who are in their 50's they say to me "oh I met my partner around your age"
"This is about around the time when I got married or pregnant"

Some people that I know have graduated university and they want a wife/husband straight after it.
And the some of the girls that I know think I'm strange becaus they rather be a house wife than having a career. But I love working... so they think I'm weird.
So they say I'm strange because I don't want that. I just want my career.

Also, its strange because I don't have a boyfriend either. So they think I'm weird. :crying:

You can do what you want,try to not let people bother you ,I know its hard at this age,I went through the same thing that you are going,but just remember time goes by FAST,after you turn 20 you will be 25/26 in no time,but ultimately you are the one who have to decide.


Well-known member
ahhh yes, well I understand this. I had the same pressure put on me from when I was young. I was expected to marry my boyfriend when I was 18 ....and I put a stop to that and subsequently walked away from a second proposal later on. I also chose to become an Athiest, broke my mother's heart and isolated me from everyone in my youth but I'd do it again.

I still have a lot of my childhood friends raised in the same faith that I left, all married, all with kids. Some of them are very happy and others are very unhappy. My closest friend in this capacity told me that although she is very happy she wishes she had of waited a little longer to have the kids. She has a serious career and 2 small children and a husband and she's under 30 and it's a lot of pressure on her to keep everyone happy. She never sleeps.

I am an alien within that group to have chosen the paths that I did....but outside their religious box, I'm actually normal....I am the norm.....which is highly unusual for me lol

Finally someone understands me! well except everyone on thread lol XD
Yeahh I'm losing everyone because of that.. to be honest I don't really care. Also, I am the alien in the group and some people don't even want to talk to me, that's fine and fair enough. At least some of the presure will be not on me anymore. But it still. Its still sucks


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. You're not weird OR strange. But you Are a bad speller though. :p

Not that there's anything wrong with being weird or strange, mind you. If everyone was the same, life would be like a Republican political convention. *Shivers at the thought*

Yeahh I own up to it. I'm a awful speller I do try my hardest though. :bigsmile:
But thanks everyone for advice it really did cheer me up. :bigsmile:
Finally someone understands me! well except everyone on thread lol XD
Yeahh I'm losing everyone because of that.. to be honest I don't really care. Also, I am the alien in the group and some people don't even want to talk to me, that's fine and fair enough. At least some of the presure will be not on me anymore. But it still. Its still sucks

Yup :) but it gets better. It doesn't even cross my mind anymore, I have much bigger fish to fry.


Well-known member
I'm almost 23 and in my ideal mind I would like a guy to provide for me, while I stay home mostly and watch kids. However, the reality is, you can't depend on someone else. Look at the divorce rate. :( If you have you're own career; you won't have to worry about not having skills if things don't work out. Security is the most important thing. You wanting to work is a plus. :D You will attract more guys anyway, having your life together, instead of being needy over a relationship.


Well-known member
Strange and weird people are the most interesting people in society.. embrace it..

Im 33 and not got a GF a kid or own a house.
You should not have to feel obliged to confirm to other peoples expectations, do what you feel like, as only you can make yourself happy.

If you start to rely on someone to make yourself happy then things get worse when they don't meet your expectations, you begin to persecute, the rescuer and then see yourself as a victim.. karpman drama triangle.

Be who you are if your weird strange and proud, love it and tell people to bugger off otherwise if they have a problem with it as its only their opinions.
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