no, i have always been shy/afraid first then people call me on it. it puts me on the spot and triggers more anxiety during that moment but it isn't the deep rooted cause of my anxiety problems.
the cause of it is probably a combination of my brain chemistry and the way my parents conditioned me to behave and [not] believe in myself. the brain chemsitry made me suseptable to being a shy, sensitive person. the conditioning by my parents was the nail in the coffin that assured me that i was unworthy to be around other people, that i was bad, that others were more important than me, and i needed to pine for their acceptance. mostly it was mother's caniving, manipulative, mentally abusive ways. why she would enjoy tormenting and humiliating her own child, who was already painfully shy, to make herself feel better- i will never know. that is why i am barely-functioning and socially inept at 28.
ps: sorry. i need therapy. in a bad way.