haha you think I sleep?
besides I dont compare myself to others worse off than me.
the point is, you can deal with your problems. I can't. I am not at the same level as those much worse off than me. I feel bad for them but it doesn't make me feel any better about myself.
Well, maybe u
should compare your situation to others. Seeing other's who are
much worse off than you doesn't make u feel even the least bit more appreciative because you're not trying to put yourself in their shoes; you're only concerned about you and your problems.
I think the same way you do, at times. (and it's kinda selfish to think that way). But then i have to remind myself that there are ppl in this world who have it MUCH worse than me, and feeling sorry for myself will do no good. it will only make matters worse. Just think of all the things that you ARE thankful for. As for me, I'm thankful for my family. i'm thankful i have all of my limbs. i'm thankful for my vision and my hearing. i'm thanful for my health.
just think about things u are grateful for and think about those who are not as fortunate. if that doesn't make u feel a little more appreciative, then it's bcus ur being selfish and looking for pity.
we're all going through the
same thing here. your situation is not much different than the other hundred or so ppl on this site. i'm sure more than half the ppl on this site has felt suicidal at some point. i feel like that a lot of days. but i try not to talk about stuff like that bcus i dont want ppl to pity me, nor do i want to make those around me unhappy (or guilty). maybe some ppl are better at dealing w/their problems. either way, know what that means? it means u need to work on dealing with your problems a little better.
not trying to be harsh. just giving my honest opinion.