I love being alone, hate being amongst people.


Well-known member
Well. In opposite to one of the posts down the page, I am a person who just loves his own company. I don't really care for being with others and I'm very rarely lonely. I'm usually good at doing the things I want to on my own and other people usually annoys me to no end. Since I broke up with my ex, about 2 years ago (we had been together for 3 years). I haven't felt any need at all to find a new girl or start dating.

My main problem is everyone around me (a couple of friends, and family) not understanding that I like it on my own. Everyone think I'm suffering because I can spend weeks without any kind of contact. It's really annoying and I wish people would just stop. No one listens to me when I say that I'm fine on my own and that I don't need people around me.

Of course I have a hard time going out where people are, like most others here, but for me it usually only gets worse when I'm with someone I know. I prefer going out alone doing my stuff.

I have one good friend that I can spend hours with, mostly because we sit a lot on the computers having LAN's, so it doesn't really affect me that much.

I have seen a lot of people in here complaining about being lonely, and no offense to any of you, I can understand that, but I am almost the opposite. The few times I have been lonely the last year was times when I've missed my ex, thinking back on how much fun we had etc, and I usually manage to get away from those thoughts after an hour or so.

So yeah, there you have my version. Again, not offense intended at anyone being lonely.


Well-known member
I usually over-analyze all situations and how people feel, what they might think etc. It's wearing me out. I think too much in all situations with other people so when I'm alone I can finally just relax.


Well-known member
So, could it be fair to say that you dislike the company of others as much liking your own company? How would you feel if you were no longer over-thinking?


Well-known member
I don't mind being amongst people, I love going in big fun runs with thousands of people. I love going in athletics events. I really thrive off the positive attitude of these positive people striving to be their best.

As long as I can be idependent in those situations I am fine. I travel to these events alone, and have my own accomodation. I will sit in the grandstands on my own. I don't need to share this with 'friends' or groups of other people to not feel alone.

In fact I have found that I feel more alone, and less when free when I am in close company with other people. There is so much more competition, expectation, complication, misunderstanding and arguement. I don't enjoy it.

Being amongst people can be great, but a little bit of company can go too far. I need space.


Well-known member
Sometimes - I want to be alone. However, if someone comes along and starts talking to me - I start talking back and end up in a good conversation.