I have no direction in my life :/


First of all I used to have severe agoraphobia and I have now recovered well and I can go out without being worried about anything.

But the problem is my agoraphobia destroyed my life :/ I lost all of my friends and whilst you have agoraphobia you think to yourself if I can somehow get over it and recover life will be easy. But it really isn't in my case due to having no qualifications( again due to agoraphobia) and I plan to retake gcses in
September or a equivalent but my maths is shocking :/ it's honestly so bad it just feels like I have forgot everything I learned.

Also I'm a guy who likes to keep fit and I get really annoyed with myself if I don't excersise at least 1 hour a day but the problem is I can't stick to a workout routine as right now I'm depressed and have no motivation for excersise.

The reason I like to keep fit is because I have hope of joining the army/royal marines one day and you need to fit to join

Also it's so demoralising for me having to retake gcses when I could of had them when I was 16 if I didn't have agoraphobia :( and I get depressed that people at my age are at university and I still don't have even gcses :(

Even though my agoraphobia isn't as bad as before I hardly go outside unless I have to for basic stuff like a haircut or a meeting. It's hard when you lost all your friends :(

Also I'm still struggling with my mums death and I have days where I just want to commit

So basically I have no qualifications,no friends and no direction in life all I do is sit indoors and excersise :(

I know some of you guys might say that I'm over agoraphobia so I should just go outside and have fun but its hard if you don't know anybody

I'm stressed out about being garbage at maths and worried that on my gcse course ill be a total failure.

Any advice

Btw I'm 20


Well-known member
Life is not a scripted event before birth.

Agoraphobia stopped you before, and now that you've recovered, you're trying to fit into a society which you feel has sort of left you behind.

It hasn't.

You like to exercise. That's absolutely awesome and you shouldn't stop that. A healthy body can lead to a healthy mind. :) Keep that going and you'll have the physical energy to do whatever you like.

I don't know what a "gcses" is, but I'm sure there are ways to do it. Regarding your maths, you can get tutors and take courses and such to improve it. I think there are online courses if you prefer that, or even online tutors, if you can afford it. There are options there.

You're 20, which is actually still quite young. Just because those who are 16 have done more than you doesn't mean you are less worthy or anything like that. It takes longer for some people to figure out what they want to do with their life, agoraphobia or not. I'm 27 and I'm still trying to figure it out. Don't let societal norms push you into achieving everything you need to by the time you're 30. It doesn't work out that way and it never has. That's something I'm trying to drill into a lot of people. You've got a lot of time and you can work towards the things you want. :)


Well-known member
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I lost my compass a long time ago

hope i never find it

makes the journey more interesting that way


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum!

It's not too late for a fresh start. Start by finding yourself. Explore your interests, likes, dislikes, personality, triggers, etc. Take a personality test and a career test. The library is a good place to find such resources. Maybe a whole new world will open up for you. I used to go to the library every week, and I learned so much there.


Well-known member
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I lost my compass a long time ago

hope i never find it

makes the journey more interesting that way


and welcome!

I never had any, nor do i want any, i dont know.....im just find going day to day doing my thing and letting things happen as they will.


Well-known member
Just go outside.

Keep exercising. I try to keep up with it too. I bought running shoes and started running. I live a block away from a trail entrance and go on there to walk and jog.

I know there can be a lot of down days but those days you feel really good, do what you feel like doing! It just may help you the next day.


Well-known member
hello and welcome, your not the only one on this website that is lost in life, there hundreds of other including me. I am 26 and only have a GED, no professional school or college due to my social anxiety.Trying to get back to school but its hard to make a decision with all the millions of job available these days.


Don't worry
You're thinking right
Don't hesitate.
Balance is the word

Isolation, esteem, no direction in place from parents as a child were my main concerns, and being close to death has been an important signal to me. Early agoraphobia after a wholesome peak in life was odd and I tackled it shortly. The feelings remain. Need to plump up some made-up confidence

My realisation that armed forces involvement was right for me made it too late to choose. Don't regret late insight.

Make your decisions. Don't give up or procrastinate.

Dilemma is horrible. Wrong choices can lead to terrible consequences. Don't let it happen. Everyone spends too long weighing up the balance. Immediacy can go badly. Think of chess.
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