I HATE Introductions


JEEZ it's so difficult coming up with an engaging title for this post.

But I just did :)

I'm 18 and am a freshman college student in Manhattan, New York, although I hail from Northern California. I love playing sports like football and tennis, have a great family, a very good best friend, and a very blessed life so far.


I am painfully shy (or SA I can't tell) and introverted. It's something that developed over middle school and high school, as I used to be extroverted before that. The thing is though, no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, I crave attention. I've started fighting my inner demons ever since I got to college this past year, where I lost my security blanket of friends. I've had many ups and downs this past semester, have made some okay friends, but still don't have that one friend or group of friends that I can call upon anytime. The thing is, I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. I'm tired of feeling underconfident because I'm so awkward around new people... and I'm ready to believe in myself and truly believe that I'm perfect and whole the way I am.

It's a tough fight, but I feel like I am making progress. Got a long way to go but it's easier when you've got friends going through the exact same thing.

I can't wait to talk to you and hear your stories, they will only inspire me to keep on going :)

Cheers and Happy New Years!
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Well-known member
Tell me about it, in the beginning of the school year we need to introduce ourselves ~8 times. >.>
Welcome. :)