I get so anxious.


I was walking with my dog today, and everytime when people walked by I felt so damn anxious. And when I walked by a house I felt so weird. Like that everyone could see me. And it makes me so afraid.
I'm so self concious, I don't have the right words to describe this feeling,
But it's so much frustrating.
How can I describe this feeling better? Does anybody know?
How can I get over this feeling? I need to get over it, but the feeling will keep going on..


Well-known member
I know the feeling all too well, like you feel very vulnerable, alone, exposed? Or am I wrong? ::p:
The only way to get over it is to do a lot and condition your brain that it is ok, and that nothing is going to happen. You need to think positive, convince yourself that everything is fine and that you aren't the centre of attention. :)


Well-known member
When I'm around people I feel as if there is a spotlight being shined on me, and someone has announced to others of my presence. Obviously logic tells me this isn't so, but I will not give in to reason. I don't know why though, as this way of thinking is not beneficial at all. I've always felt exposed and weak, while in front of others. I wish it wasn't so.::(:

It's tough, I know.


Well-known member
Next time say hi and smile. U will make their day better and u will feel better to that u made something good about ur SA :p


Well-known member
it doesnt mean your going to feel like that for the rest of your life , in time things might get better , i used to be that bad once but im a lot better now , hopefully you will lol ...


Well-known member
Saskia- I feel exactly the same way! I feel paranoid and feel as if all eyes are on me...As if everywhere i go people are ready to do something bad to me, i don't feel safe anywhere!

I'm not sure if it's agorophobia because it sure feels like something like that. The only place i truly feel safe is at home and even then i am anxious sometimes in the garden when someone walks past.

I find my symptoms double in busy places where there are lots of people like in towns and cities. I live in a quiet place in the countryside and i guess i can hide here.
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Well-known member
Do you feel that those people are seeing you and then making some negative judgement about you? I used to think like that all the time. the only thing that helpes is to stop and commit to finding a rational response to those thoughts such as - I don't even know if there is actually someone in that house and if there is they are probably not looking out the window at me right now. and even if they were they would probably not be thinking the same thought that I think they are thinking. and what if they were thinking that I was indeed a total loser who had no right to be out walking my loser dog then I would say f off. do this every day for a week every time you walk your dog and then see if you think/feel less anxious the next time


Well-known member
People aren’t innocent and they do have negative judgments, but you just got to tell yourself not to values those kinds of people’s opinions, they don’t know you and don’t matter if they think such things.


Well-known member
The only thing I can say is maybe you could try blocking people out. Try to pretend they're not really around. That's what I do when I'm walking somewhere, on the bus, or in a room with people. I usually daydream & pretend that the people aren't really there. It's the only thing that helps at all.

Kanye West

Well-known member
The feeling of being 12 years old and waking up in the middle of the night and somebodys in your room. Your heart starts beating so fast you can hear it pumping. The veins in your temple pulsate as you stare at the intruder. Then after a few minutes you realize he ain't moving. So finally you let 'em hang and
turn on the light and the killer turns into your coat throwed over the chair.

The feeling of sitting at the red light early in the morning and two or three hoodlums cross the street. Your senses heighten, reflexes sharpen vision's
enhanced adrenaline flows as they rush across the street you realize they just goin' to the store.

Many of us mistake Phobia for true fear. Whereas fear is a gift from God to be used for self-preservation. Phobia are obstacles strategically placed in society by opposers of positive existence. Through stereotyping, innuendo, false documentation, and glorification they'll turn your fear switch to a permanent on. We can change this by changing the small truth within' the lie.