I personally think the issue you seem to be having, can be a byproduct of having some form of SA.
Through wanting to have friends we can tend to..try harder, to form and keep friendships.
We start to 'mirror' people we like - or want to like, say we like the things they like, say we want to do the things they do etc etc.
Over time we can forget what's really important to ourselves, our likes and dislikes..they can become a bit blurry or generalized.
At one stage I felt like a mirror image of myself - I looked like me, sounded like me, but I felt the real me had become lost.
I started thinking about what was important to me. At times I even felt a bit selfish, because I had to remember to stop 'automatically agreeing' with what people said.
I was never rude or anything, but over time I felt My own personality began to resurface.
I think maybe you could benefit from doing something similar.
So yea, ask yourself - what are the things I like?
- what are the things I care about?
- what do I want out of life?
Ask yourself these questions every now and then