I feel like the most boring person on Earth

Never Care about what people might think about you , just ignore them, you have to love yourself before loving people, i am sure if you search more friends you will find some one to listen to you carefully and pay you attention, any one who ignores you , ignore him. and you will feel free. Love Freedom !!


Active member
Boring is subjective, I'm sure you have some very interesting things to talk about. You just need to find the right way of getting them across.


Well-known member
Extraverts find me boring. When I talk to them, it's like getting run over by a lawn mower. They had to interrupt and take over the conversation, change the topic to something else. So I usually just stay quiet and let them run on and on.

But with fellow introverts, there's a better balance. We talk and listen at roughly the same rates.


Well-known member
I felt like this all the time.
I've just started a new work, and my Uncle told me something very important.
You are there to earn money.
That has to be the number one focus.
It was your choice to want to earn money, so feel a sense of ownership - don't focus on feeling awkward, because this is very dangerous and can lead to depression.
You have to get confidence by realising you are there for you; not anyone else. It's alot easier said than done, but you have to block these 'boring me' thoughts out. Because deep down, no one is really boring. Cliched but everyones different in there own quirky way.
Basically you're own pat on the back one day is a kick in the arse the next.
You can't bounce off people.
Be proud of you
Good luck


Well-known member
Boring is subjective
That's true, but we are our own worst critics. I feel I am completely uninteresting, too, and I've had many great, flowing conversations with people.

But with fellow introverts, there's a better balance. We talk and listen at roughly the same rates.
This is an excellent point. I know people who will talk about themselves at such length because they're extroverted and feel they are the most interesting people ever. They don't listen to others, and when I feel my words are being glossed over, it's damaging to my self-esteem. This has happened many times, with some stand-outs. :thumbdown:
I feel this same way. It's not so bad when I'm hanging out with friends (not that that happens much anymore, either), because we probably became friends because of some common interest, so I just find topics in that area. But whenever I try to go out with girls, it's painfully obvious that nothing I'm saying is particularly interesting to them.


boring and awkward. been a recluse for decades that I also feel my personality and conversational skills have faded away or have unsharpened. In college, I used to carry a conversation (somehow), but when I fell into depression, I lost all drive to work and interact with people, up to now. I just stay in the house with my parents and rarely socially interacts, I sometimes still rely on my parents skills when I feel awkward talking to people. I'm afraid of rude or unkind people. Good thing there's still nice people around me, though they can only take this much.


anxiety really holds me back from being myself in social situations. im working on not being so uncomfortable around people. I always think someone is going to basically tell me to shut up or make some mean comment or grill me with awkward questions about my past....I generally keep quiet in social settings therefore most people think im extremely boring...if I talk too much I worry that people might think im weird....generally in social situations anxiety can sometimes interrrupt my thought process. in certain settings where there arent a whole lot of people around im more able to collect my thoughts and be myself. i guess my awkwardness might seem strange to people who dont understand what its really like....most people probably dont think it through any further than surface level nonsense..they only see that i look awkward and uncomfortable and that just colors their perception of me from that point on, regardless of the fact that they dont even actually KNOW me. most people seem really quick to judge, label, and dismiss....I hate having to talk to someone who has already judged/labeled me in their own mind based on preconceived notions....I wish I could talk to people around town and feel like I actually have a clean slate and wont be judged on the past.
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