I even have anxiety while playing video games

Woah, that's crazy! My little sister is like this - I just keep telling her, "it's just a game, nothing's going to happen to you", but she still makes me play parts for her though. Some people are just more sensitive and if you have SA, well you could indeed have a very paramount effect ;)

I get anxious when playing online games (I have SA)... like what will people think of me? Will they think I suck? Even when I play really well and pretty much own everyone, I think "I'm not good enough for their praise"... Ugh, SA/other disorders suck balls!




Well-known member
Some games are just designed to mess with your head and scare the sh!t out of you though. I used to have the same problem with this one game I played, Clive Barker's Undying. An hour or two of that and your nerves are shot. I guess Zelda is a lot tamer, but different people have varying triggers as far as what creeps them out, so I don't think you're abnormal in any way.


Well-known member
The redeads used to freak me out too when i was a kid. I would just try to kill them before that creepy banshee scream. the ones in the wind waker creeped me out too.


Well-known member
when i was playing castlevania this happened to me a little bit but i think it was more because you had to move along way from the last checkpoint to save game and i would die everytime right before i needed to reach the next checkpoint, and i could never actually make it with enough health so i just gave up because it was a long way to return to with all that effort. really annoyed me too because its a great game.

where as alot of people would find a way or geek it in somehow without beating their head against a wall. laughs.
Can't say that I feel quite the same, but it's definitely not pathetic. :3

I love video games because I know that the characters and monster are anything but real, and so aren't capable of judgment. Just 1's and 0's aligned to create a visual reference that represents a person/creature. Online games however, provoke allot of anxiety in me, even though they can't really read my body language.

But as far as offline games are concerned, I have no anxiety at all. Heck, I even love the scary ones like BioShock and Dead Space. They make me feel safe almost, and yes I know how ironic that is. x3 It probably has to do with the fact that I feel safer in the dark..

Anyway, you shouldn't feel pathetic. Those characters/monsters are designed to look real/appealing on a social level, it's only normal that they initiate a feeling of discomfort amongst those whom have social phobia. Especially Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, it might be colorful and fantasy, but there are parts in both games that even made my skin crawl.

Shadow Temple, Ganon's castle, Ikana Valley, The fish boss thingy.. to name a few.
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When I was younger, Resident Evil was quite scary to me. Some parts of it anyway... The first time I saw a Hunter or Licker or whatever you call the thing with the long tongue was very anxiety inducing. Watching some of the Silent Hill games, I think those games are also quite scary if you play them at night alone.


Well-known member
i played silent hill when i was very young and it really freaked me out had to stop playing. finaly managed to beat it years later


Well-known member
Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill 2 are in my Top 20 games of all time list lol.

Being too SA to play a game though, that's weird and I never heard of it. But I'm sorry that you have to deal with that :(
Haha I made a thread about the same topic a long time ago. ^^

Don't worry KJC, just keep doing it and be scared. Repeat it 10,000 times more if you still feel the same thing.

Been there done that.


Well-known member
I'm fine playing games alone. When I go online though (usually Call of Duty) I very rarely put my headset on and talk to people.
Haha I made a thread about the same topic a long time ago. ^^

Don't worry KJC, just keep doing it and be scared. Repeat it 10,000 times more if you still feel the same thing.

Been there done that.

To OP: Hmm... maybe watching a "Let's Play" on youtube can help you... especially if the person doing it has a friendly running commentary on what he's doing. And you can always lower the volume down and stop the video if things get too scary for you. The newest "REAL GHOSTBUSTERS" may be a good start since it's not particularly scary and kind of funny at times... just like the original movies. Well.. except the part in the movie where the woman opened her fridge and saw another dimension... Always a shock to find that they put monsters in there instead of hotdogs and tuna.