I do not have SA.


Well-known member
You gently point out that genre_andrea can be avoided and encourage us to let it go. I see wisdom in your suggestion so I went away and thought about why I am feeding the attention seeker and haven't let it go yet.

I had an outgoing, extroverted sister who was always willing to 'help' and whose own problems really did quite a bit to help create mine. So - for a few days of posting on this site I was marveling at the feeling of sanctuary here. Then it seemed as if some of the reasons I am here showed up and insisted, in a demeaning manner, on helping me, studying me, and learning from me. There's cruel irony there - I think I am working it out by writing.

genre_andrea introduced herself by asking "will I still fit in here?" even though, in my opinion, 'yes' was the only answer she would accept or respect.

A kindly user offered candid information to help her decide if maybe she did have SA after all. He described the painful impact SA had on his life. I feel her reply briskly swept over his pain and proudly stated that she was 'extremely sure' that she didn't have HIS problem.

"that's unforunate. however, i am extremely positive i don't have
SA. i'm very extroverted and i can converse to just about anyone.
even you."

That 'even you'at the seems intended to imply that she had special gifts or talents that enable her to speak to him - THIS IS AFTER HE ADDRESSED HER FIRST with sensitivity and candor and helpful detail. She does not thank him or acknowledge him.

Someone tells her that the her presence makes him feel foolish and she replies:
" You shouldn't in any way feel foolish...."

She ignores the valid statement that he DOES feel foolish and transmits how he SHOULD feel. She's seems to tell him he has the wrong feelings....boy does that take me back! And they say you can never go home again.....
"i'm observing the situations you are all posting about.i'm in a
psychology class, and we were given a list of recommended websites to overlook and this one was my first choice."

I perceive an "above it all tone" - the scientific laboratory detatchment. Someone says she is making them uncomfortable, and she seems to say that she is not, instead, she is helping them.

"i refuse to antagonize any of you. it's inhuman"

She seems to forget she wrote this soon enough. People tell her in variety of ways that they feel uncomfortable with her stated intentions and condescending tone but she always replies that they SHOULDN'T feel that way and that she isn't being inappropriate. So, logically, this must mean that their opinions, impressions, and feelings are just wrong.

She seems to project the attitude of one speaking to inferiors or those who are weaker etc.
"it's not like you could stand up to me, anyway. not to mention, it would be unethical."

She seems to want us to think that she keeps ethics in mind but she never responds to my request for ethical treatment - I ask that we know who is studying us and why. I mean, my concern for ethics didn't even warrant a decline or an explanation on her part. It's as if her lofty ethics are her shield when she wants it.

Humble and Erythrocyte speak my concerns clearly - the strong feelings around the idea of being exploited while we are here seeking support. She seems to tell us our feelings are wrong.

"if i know what i'm talking about, you shouldn't be annoyed."

And she may feel we are not granting the credibility due her - a person without SA.

"and furthermore, i have family members who suffer from SA, so i can relate."

But she never grants those of us with SA who post concerns about exploitation credibility. In fact, she implies there's something wrong with us (inner problems) for objecting:
"take it as offensively as you wish. you all have your own inner-
problems i'm sure i'll never understand. but i'm truely and honestly
here to converse."

She seems to define reality for us; is she unaware that we have this capability ourselves?
"no, you are not being "used". yes, i am paying attention to your
stories and seeing how it relates to the material i am learning, but
overall, i'm just trying to listen and hopefully help"

In a demeaning manner, she seems to imply that we will not get any better unless we allow her to help us...and that is cruel and untrue.

"if you'd rather talk to fellow SA's about the same thing over and over again, and never really get over your disorder, then be my guest."

She seems to have no concept of what a relief it is for those of us with SA to talk to each other.
She seems to become frustrated and more forceful and restates what appears to be "acceptable" thoughts and feelings for us to have(afterall, it's not like we can stand up to her!):

"you're getting me wrong - you're not test subjects - i don't want to just be here to give advice. i'd like to talk to you like the rest of you talk to each other. just because i don't have SA doesn't mean i can't relate."

She seems to tell us why we are here and what our purpose is:

"i don't want to treat you like studies. you're all just helping me learn."

She seems to tire of our objections - why do we still have wrong thoughts and feelings after she told us which ones to have? The following genre_andria text doesn't grant other SPW posters validity or respect; she seems to imply that we can only 'try' to make assumptions and rattle on about it without coherent results; she makes it sound like our opinions and beliefs are failed attempts at rational thought:

"you can all go on and on about why you think i'm here and trying to
assume what i'm like, etc. that's perfectly fine. it doesn't bother

i can tell most of you are offended by my presence. and you're
analyzing every word i typed to pick out what you believe it meant.
but it's whatever. i don't really care.i'm not going to continuously
repeat myself"

I apologize for the long post. It's the house-of-mirrors effect in this thread that really resonated with the origins of my SA. At home, I had legitimate thoughts and feelings that were uncomfortable for others, so I was constantly 'corrected' by my 'betters' and told which thoughts and feelings to have. Contradictions were a daily event. Validity was reserved for others - I had to live without personal validity in my home. Those who hurt me insisted I should be grateful to have their assistance and the fact that I objected to how they treated me was proof that I didn't understand. In fact - there was so much that was contradicted, demeaned, and exploited that I lost confidence in my being. I am striving to get it back.


Well-known member
You know genre andrea,

You appear to have a serious ego problem.

If you say that you are here to simply observe and to help, why do you insist on making your introduction of your SELF so extensively drawn out??! 8O :roll:

You say that you are here to offer us your advice, which you consider to be expert on the account that you are "extremely sure" that you don't have social anxiety....

You keep talking about how much you want to help, about how qualified you consider yourself to be to help, about how "inhuman" it would be of you to antagonise us ...but there seems to be no end to your talking on and on about all the wonderful things that you consider your self to be and so little by way of proving them!!

I mean, why all the fuss and build-up?

...let's swap chairs for just a moment -and imagine for one moment that YOU are the patient and I am the therapist. (that is, if you are capable of imagining such a switch in status)
It is said that a person who has a great deal of concern for what others think of them has a great deal of attachment to the ego.

Interesting, since whilst you claim to be the exact opposite of socially anxious, even your entrance here at SPW has been something of a gala event. :!:

Furthermore, in your extensive research and analysis on social anxiety, has it occurred to you that there just may be a correlation between socially anxious individuals arising from families wherein there is one or more socially domineering individual?? ...has your big pscyhologists brain possibly made this connection?? :wink: :wink: Or, when you say that you are 'extremely positive' that you don't have SA, is this from the point of view of one who has a superficial awareness of the problem, perhaps because they have been something of a part of it themselves? ...I mean, with your way of introducing yourself and your choice of words, I have to wonder.

...As in, someone who might take a long time to build themselves up in others eyes, who would insist that they are only here to help and not to gain some perverse sense of superiority, and yet then say things like: "How could any of you possibly defend yourselves anyway?" ; who in considering herself an expert -the psychology expert- makes such simple errors in her approach, effectively antagonising others regardless of stating that doing so would be 'unethical'; who is here to 'help' and encourage self-esteem building and yet can't acknowledge that SOME credibility and sanity exists to our taking offense at your comments ...how is this professional? -if we are the 'sick' ones, and you are the expert helper, why are you so unaccomodating towards our condition? Shouldn't you be prepared for our taking easy offence at your comments? and, being that you consider yourself to have great clarity about the problem of social anxiety, wouldn't this clarity show through in the careful choosing of your words? ...and, what kind of compassion, tolerance and awareness regarding social anxiety do you demonstrate when you state that we can either listen to you or we can continue to dwell and whinge about our problems? -again, it comes back to your own fragile ego.

Sorry, but you really haven't convinced me at all that your opinion is worth all the merit that you claim it has. Maybe you could take a course in how not to appear completely arrogant.


Well-known member
Thank you kindly, LittleMissMuffet.
I don't want to separate help from anyone who wants it. I am aware that others who have posted on this thread are more able than I to put outside (non SA) insights and comments to good use and have asked that genre_andrea be allowed to contribute. I didn't realize that my comments might make it harder for those individuals to get the insights they want.
I would like to post (friday or sat) a comment on the "Should non SA's (and other issues) be allowed on SPW" thread to wish outloud for opportunites for those who welcome impartial opinion (outsiders) to have the access they want and those of us who wish to avoid the microscope feel to have access we want. A comfortable useful environment for everyone. Perhaps open threads (to psych students and users) and private threads (SA and others taking refuge here.) I am really new to this board so I regret that I don't have the terminology down but I know the board is home to a group of people with a variety of issues and all are equally welcome.


Well-known member
random said:
Thank you kindly, LittleMissMuffet.
I don't want to separate help from anyone who wants it. ... I didn't realize that my comments might make it harder for those individuals to get the insights they want.

Random: I am a little confused by this... I don't object to someone without social anxiety being here or even offerring advice. What I do have an objection to is someone who is condescending and, as you've noted, speaks about how we should solve our difficulties like some of the people who 'helped' us create them to begin with.

...You've said what was offensive in genre adrea's posts better than I was able to articulate; and I agree with practically everything that you've said.

I also have an older sister who was domineering, took over social situations, and who, like my mother, tends to be overbearing regarding how I should be and act. ...So, the simple fact that an approach and personality like that of my sisters' is here again telling me what is best -that is TELLING me- is exactly the last thing that I need more of. It is like ordering someone or instructing someone on how to develop a sense of independence -a contradiction in terms, essentially.

I realise that obsessive characteristics that I have play a part in why I have anxiety and I do not blame my sister (and my family) -but, the relationship that my sister and I have has nonetheless played a significant part in the problem I have with feeling scrutinised, helpless and inadequate in certain social situations. ...there have been times when I have felt anxiety that I have even thought of her -as if I am supposed to be her to be worth anything. And I honestly think that this is a result of my innate personality and weakness but also hers -and her always telling me that her way is the only right way -that her opinion and thinking and methods are what is right. ....this is to me the problem and by no means the solution.
This is the basis of my anger -that, essentially genre andrea's personality reminiscent of my sister's. -And I need distance from such a pushy personality, not to get another dose of it.


Well-known member
genre_andrea said:
it's not like you could stand up to me, anyway.

Whoa, wtf? lol

Did you really say that? Oh, lol, i would stand up to you believe me, you wouldnt wanna get me angry :evil: .
Quite frankly I'll be surprised if this isn't a troll, or just a psychology student doing this of her own accord or just someone with a passing interest in psychology on an ego trip.

Anyone wanting to further understand sa would not come on to a social anxiety board and cause this much trouble. I only studied Psychology at A level, but even at that level we were taught about ethics, and in my opinion, the way that this person has acted here has been unethical.

You obviously don't understand SA from your posts, I used to suffer from SA but I'm pretty much recovered, I've never been introverted, an 'extrovert' cannot automatically help someone with SA. A psychology student, or even a psychologist cannot neccesarily help someone with SA, I got over SA without any help in that way at all, I feel sometimes psychologist's and psychiatrists input is more detrimental than helpful.

We are not your study sample, and if you want to use a study sample you have to gain their permission, brief them on what you are going to use the information for ect, otherwise it is unethical.

You cannot just come on to the site and belittle us for only discussing our problems with each other, say that we cannot stand up for ourselves, and generally insist on how you can help us, even though we have no proof of this whatsoever.

If you had wanted to 'help' or 'study' us you should have treated us with more respect. You should have PMd myself or one of the other moderators asking for permission, and if granted the permission you should have outlined in your first post what you wanted to do, and ASKED instead of insisting.

You will never be a respected psychologist if you do not respect the people you are trying to help.


Well-known member
cutefluffykitten said:
hmmmm im thinking of those poor lil dogs or monkeys that get injected with all this experimental stuff and then locked away back in the cage and the person doing the experiments rubbing there hands together and saying...ha its not like you can escape from that cage and get me anyway


Many good, thoughtful quotes here today that made my day better, helps me with closure, brightened my mood, thank you.
Cutefluffykitten made me double over laughing and half slide out of my chair and my attempts to hang on just spun me on the wheels and brought on some horizontal acceleration. I am still laughing loud like a man and I just may try pounding the table with gusto as accompaniement (i've seen that done often enough- I am betting it helps express merriment).
PS: I noted that genre_andrea said in one of her posts that she was given a list of URL's and chose this as her her first choice. Yes....I really think it's possible because she thought 'it's not like they could stand up to me or anything'


Well-known member
LittleMissMuffet said:
Random: I am a little confused by this... I don't object to someone without social anxiety being here or even offerring advice. What I do have an objection to is someone who is condescending and, as you've noted, speaks about how we should solve our difficulties like some of the people who 'helped' us create them to begin with.

Sorry for the confusing post, LittleMissMuffet. My mind was half in the "Do non SA's belong at SPW" thread and half in this one when I wrote that. My initial objections to genre_andrea were in among other posters who were asking that she be allowed to stay and saying things along the line of "hey I'll take the help I get" that sort of thing. I didn't want to run over users who would want to talk with genre_andrea or other visiting students or clinicians. I felt so strongly about being 'studied' by students that I wanted to post a vigorous NO! on the other thread about whether visitors belong here and then I realized others may not have my issues, may be able to deal with student comments and may not have my objections, and may want to speak to genre_andrea - maybe they would learn about common misperceptions among the non-SA from her, maybe they would like to talk to a non SA person for their own reasons, and perhaps they'd like to teach her? I dunno.
My feelings were so strongly against her but I was seeing posts that were saying 'let her stay'. So I thought about putting a quote at the end of all of my posts saying something like "I understand there are students and other non-SA/anxiety visitors on this forum. Please respect my wishes and do not address me or reply to me directly." That sounded like it might sound too hostile so I wondered if posters starting a new thread could designate it 'public' when users wanted to ask for input from the non SA/anxiety crowd etc. and then I would probably limit myself to 'private' threads. I think ANY student or person studying us should 'register' with the site, state their intentions, and be limited to threads designated 'Study' or 'Public' and carry, within public sites, an avatar banner that says 'visiting student' or something. Like the 'Student Driver' signs on cars. Of course, only ethical students and programs would participate. No way to stop the unethical people who rationalize their unethical behavior.
How many of Andrea's classmates are here? I think I may have tripped over another student - he said 'I am a psych student, btw' in an offhand manner in the middle of providing some input to a poster as if it could be interpreted that he has SA AND he is a student. Like saying 'I am bus driver btw' or 'I am a lawyer btw'. I wondered if he is only a student and that offhand comment made him feel he had technically fulfilled ethical obligations (in other words - he had read the genre_andrea post and was playing it safe). I don't know - what if he is an SA and a psych student - don't want to alientate or offend. I did send him a private message and I don't think he responded and my asking could make a sensitive user feel alienated.
So I stand by my objections to genre_andrea but I wonder if those who said they wanted her to stay or may want to talk to 'outsiders' would feel deprived of some opportunites and run over by those of who objected.


Well-known member
*please note that i originally posted sth positive in this post that was sth like how i didn't mind genre_andrea to be here and then i was really wondering about the question below..

btw, when is your project due genre_andrea? lol.
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Well-known member
btw, when is your project due genre_andrea? lol.

paranoid_android said:
57 replies and 2097 views(so far)...make your own conclusions.

The experiment keeps going well it seems.. :) (unless the experimenter herself is starting to develop a mild form of SP in response to the heavy dose of merciless criticism..)

In any case, I'd like to add that I personally don't feel too much bothered by the thought of being "exploited" for study purposes. After all, I'm also potentially "exploited" for economical purposes through the advertising banners that pay for the very existence of this site, as practically everywhere on the internet. Besides, the whole thing is not much different than a doctor observing the symptoms shown by a bunch of people suffering from a flu. The overall tone could have been different, a little less self important, but that's all really.


Well-known member
i think she is welcome, people dont have to agree with all her sentiments, but she's trying to be helpful, even though some of the comments were a little patronising, she studies psychology so probably has alot to say about it, its just harmless banter, arguments are a normal part of life.


Well-known member
HI GENRE_ANDREA!! welcome to the board!!! i'm also studying psychology!!! i'm in my first year! i love it!

what is it you're tryin to find out exactly? what is this project about?

and also, tell me, as your an extroverted person, how would you deal with some of the things a person with SA would worry about?