I dislike Michele Bachmann


Well-known member
Does anyone else dislike her? I find her to be heartless and overly - religious (she said she is submissive to her husband and that wives should be according to her religion- she said this on national television; she also said that submission is "respect")? Gag!

There's something about her that I strongly dislike. I especially dislike that in America we are given two choices: Obama or a bunch of super conservative Republicans (who all have at least 5 children is seems--overpopulation? they don't care-the bible says so!) who are all bringing religion into the election, which REALLY turns me off.

But there's something about her in particular I can't stand. Like when I watched her on T.V., her eyes were so cold, there's something about her character I dislike. Anyone else feel this way.

Also, who do you dislike/like most more the upcoming election?
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I also dislike Michele Bachmann. Verily.

Each Republican debate looks more like a circus than the last. A lot of homophobia, blaming the Democrats, he-said-she-said, etc.

In my opinion, the only serious candidate is Ron Paul. I would vote for Ron Paul, or I will not vote.


Well-known member
I dislike all politicians equally. It's not about how they can serve the people who elected them, it's how can they screw over the other party, and how can they serve the corporations that are paying them.:mad:


Well-known member
Ultra conservative religious people are amongst the most annoying and infuriating types of human beings.

Obama is going to win, nobody likes Romney and Gingrich is just LOL.