I can't dance or do physical things in front of others, what can I do?


I get really embarrassed if people are looking at me when I'm doing something physical in front of others, like dancing in a nightclub, or simply just running in the street. I think people are snickering and judging me. I fumble with things, I have a lanky physique and I'm not very balanced or coordinated. I fear that people observing me will approach, laugh and embarrass me. Such an example would be me dancing in a club, and some guys approaching and doing an impersonation of my poor dance moves, causing laughter and embarrassment towards me. This has never happened but I always fear it will.

When I was at school, I was criticised about my appearance and sporting skill. (Why I loathed P.E.) even though that was years ago, I think it had a negative affect on my brain. I also do get mocked for my skinniness and clumsiness in the present, which doesn't really help. I tell myself that nothing will happen, in these situation, and not to fear it, but it doesn't work, I am locked into this self-conscious zone. The only thing that does take my mind off things is drinking, and we all know that's not a good idea.

Can anyone else identify with me? I would like to relax and be happy but I can't. What can I do?
oh yeah.. i cant be myself at all.. dance like an idiot.. and kick myself for it later.. i used to do the other stuff u mentioned, but it stopped.. i have integrity now:p


Well-known member
I can relate, definitely. Even with just going out for walks, I feel like I'd be ridiculed by people passing. Every time a car passes or I walk by a house I feel very anxious because of that. Ideally, I'd like to go out for runs, but since I can't even manage a short walk without a tonne of anxiety about feeling ridiculed (among other things) that won't be happening just yet. I tend to be locked in a very self conscious zone too. But I really do think that with time, and effort on our part to change some of the ways we think about things, it can get better.


Well-known member
I can identify with you. I would never even contemplate dancing anywhere let alone in public. I wouldn't be suprised at people laughing if I did because I'm sure I would look hilarious. I do think sometimes when I'm out riding my bike people are looking and laughing at the way I look. I see myself as looking all red and Knackered. I suppose we need to become less self concious and less worried about what other people think.


I identify with you.

I'm self concious as I was bullied at my secondary school.

Thus I now think I walk weird, look weird etc. :(


Well-known member
i can at home but around other people like at a wedding where you have to dance and or a dance club i'm to busy watching everyone else that i become unco-ordinated and have no idea what i'm doing...other people just look so comfortable moving around and it can be quite an overwhelming experience...

try and practice at home a little, the best thing is to prepare yourself as much as you can for these situations..

some people just look better dancing because of the way they look is an advantage to the point where even if they dance badly you won't notice


Well-known member
Ha ha! I get so paranoid that people are looking at me that I start checking to make sure I put clothes on! LOL! It's not like I doubt that I put my clothes on...but better check just in case!


Well-known member
Ha ha! I get so paranoid that people are looking at me that I start checking to make sure I put clothes on! LOL! It's not like I doubt that I put my clothes on...but better check just in case!

haha I do that too...just checking that everything is in its place...and that nothing is on wrong...that everything looks ok...I get distracted and I make alot of mistakes easily :-o
I also can't do physical things in front of other's, I get so embarrassed when I have to do that. When i had to read something in school, i always was so anxious, but now I even have that with the most easiest stuff.
Like walking by people, cycling, but the most embarrassing thing is dancing..


Well-known member
Omg! I can relate to you guys. I feel like everyone is watching me wherever i go. I try to be as invisible as possible a lot of the time as i don't want to draw attention to myself. The worst things are dancing and eating. Whenever i am eating in a restaurant o'r something with a lot of people there i have a fear of choking hence i have diffculty swallowing and chew my food for ages, i also am afraid of taking big gulps of my drink.