i can't be right D=


Well-known member
Hiya guys, this is probably gonna be a long post so i don't even expect yous to read it..but here goes nuthin..
i have one proper friend left out of my group now. At school we were close but now we have all left it seems that already they have both made new mates and i just haven't lol! I asked a friend from school to meet up the other week but she rejected me cos she was hanging around with people from college. I get that but it would have been nice if we could have hung about together I don't get why not tbh..>.< i only get so sad cos i have no-one else though! D= she does.
Apart from the 2 girls from school i can't say i have anyone else at all.
So this week, and last has just been filled with sitting in the house on the pc, which i don't think helps the way i feel about people as it seems that i can't go a day without falling out with someone online, or something odd happening.
That has started to make me feel like there is something wrong with me. I must be a horrible person if online people won't even accept me >.<
Why do people never seem to like me? i mean, what did i do?!
Popel use me online like they always have done irl. they'll talk when there's no-one else to talk to, users. :mad:

I sometimes think if i could be a completely different person everyone would like me. But i'm me D= ..an being me is crap.
I don't know what people seem to have a problem with..they seem happy with the way i look butu not the personality. Ain't much i can do thou. :rolleyes:

Thinking about it, i don't actually think i did anything wrong most times that i've fallen out with people..they just seem not to click with me. If this is what it's like online then i can't imagin ever having a decent frind irl.
Cos friends are meant to like each other..not just be people that are just there..>.<

And i don't have any, probably never have had. Every wee 'friend' i've ever had have used me because there was no-one else, also i admit i'm easy to wrap round their wee fingers! I would give my life for one of those users, they would never in a million years have done that for me i'm certain of it.

And the other thing is, well about college vs school. I was basically waaay rejected at school. People kept bullyin me till i just wouldn't put up with it anymore. I figured out that i shuld only go when i had to be there for a class so i started bending the rules, and sneaking in and out between classes, just coming in for mornings & afternoons etc. so i wouldn't have to spend another minute in the place.
and i do nt regret wasting it. cos it wasn't woth it when the school wouldn't help me at all..didn't ever seem able to i dnt think.

If i needed help i just mind sitting there thinkin 'no-on ein this whole place can help me' ::(: ..so true >.<
And i'm just worried it'll be the same at college, and wherever i go in the future. Beacuse during the time at school i only made one friend, and not even really because she didn't choose to talk to me, a teacher told her to. So aha. I must be a right fxckup.
I can't even make friends.
The ones that didn't bully me ignored me.
I was a right outcast.
And now i think of it, the way i looked in that place reflected the way i felt in there. It was awful every day tbh! and nobody really seemed to care.
I honestly think forgetting the past will be half the battle to enjoying college =|
Cos i just can't see it being any better, if i still can't talk to people and am the same mess i was at school i don't see me making any mates, and coming out college as alone as i am now, then having to try work, and failing to make mates at work too..and then being a lonely old woman etc.

I just don't believ in myself that i have overcum what i went through enough and am ready to take on college and TRY at least to make sum pals.
On the other hand in the few moths i've been outa school i actually feel mileeees more confident. I just hope it'll not start up again at college.

I need to make the right impression, and i duno how i can !
I'm fed up of being inadequate.. i feel like i don't fit in more than ever and i just duno how to, or even if i actually want to..it's so hard to talk to people sumtimes tbh
am a ****up. people jst hate me and a feel so lonelyy, i duno if i can ever change
I'm not right i tell ye. It isn't doing me any good thinking like this, tis only making me cry.
Not that anyone actually cares, but if i keep hatin myself as much as i do now i'm not prepared 2 cope with it any more D=
i jusd duno who actually wnats to know or even what i can do about this cos i just duno
in conclusion, i don't know! lmao.
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when I was 10-14 i was the quit boy, people bullied me a lot at school but not anymore.. now people force me to talk to them, maybe cuz i'm not bad looking, thank God for that.....


Staff member
college is alot better than school,I struggled at schoool just like yourself, college by my third year was just great!


Well-known member
You have written about so many things that I don't know where to start, lol.
I understand your problems. We all need friends, and when we can't find any good ones we just feel... useless, used, depressed. I also get the impression I an often "used", or that others don't really care about me, they just pretend they care for a moment. Maybe it's because I expect too much from everyone, or maybe I am too good and I would like to receive as much attention and love as I give, I am not sure.
It is so difficult to find the right friends for everyone, also because if you need someone, that doesn't mean someone necessarily needs you... so the problem is also to find someone who actually likes you and would really like to be your friend, and not just use you or pretend, you know.
College was not good for me. I might have to give up... and I lost the few friends I had made there, and it seems impossible to make some new now because I don't know where to start.


Well-known member
I know how you feel, I used to be in a rather large group of friends and now they'd all rather go out with new friends they've made rather than me just cause I can't go where they'd like to. I'm sure once you get to college things will be better and you'll make new friends, there aren't many bullies in colleges, and if there is someone who is a bully then they're even more childish and pathetic than highschool bullies.
The friends you had before obviously aren't that good of friends, and I'm sure you are accepted on here bubz. If you need anything I'll be here :). I can't always give advice but I'm always here if you need reassurance or just someone to talk to :). PM me if you're interested, I really need someone to talk to too if I'm honest :).


well its taken me about 2 hours to read yer thread, but its awright cause yer scottish! lol, im 32 and i dont keep in touch with anyone i had as a freind when i was young.

as for the feeling of being used, i know it all too well!

like, why are they blaming me for stuff! why have i not not been invited to this persons party, wedding etc etc (it caves ma napper in, ken what a mean!)



Well-known member
Thanx guys.
I'm sad and i don't know where to turn now.
I shall not post it here cos i wouldn't want to be a wee attention seeker :[
I stayed in bed all day today then came online, what a shxte life.
People just don't understand.
And i don't have anyone, i duno how..
people will moan that i do have them, but i've ****ed up every relationship i've ever had.
I'd rather die.


Well-known member
Hey. i completely understand what ur going through and i kno this might sound a bit off but at the end of every tunnel theres always the light. and from what ive heard, to be honest they're the ones that are missing out on a great friend. it will get better someday. sorry i couldnt write any more. pm me if u want.


Well-known member
Awh i hopies ! I hope i get over this one day. I know it can't happen instantly but i hope i do, and you lot do aswell. =]


Well-known member
I really know how you feel. I had one proper friend when I was at school, but then he changed a bit later and doesn't keep in touch with me now

I feel lonely right now tbh.
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Aw,sorry your feeling so down and stuff ::(: It might seem impossible right now but things can get better,sometimes it takes a long time and alot of work but they can.

College is so different to school aswell because,everyone who is there wants to be there...its just alot more mature,this could be the start of a better time for you.And dont be too harsh on yaself,from what ive read of your posts you seem a lovley girl *hugz*


Well-known member
College (not university) has been like a step up from school for me in that way. But I still don't have any proper, close friends from there, they're all just acquaintances. That one person at school, about 4 or 5 years ago is the closest I've had as a proper friend really.
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