I Can Help You Cure Your Blushing


Well-known member
What I said here is the most constructive anyone can say. And no, I'm not grimaldi.

No, what you do is taking out some sort of revenge against me, which is very childish and a waste of time. I'm not going to cry about it so go ahead. I am sure you will be very popular. I am quite sure people coming to this forum want to hear about stuff that results in progression, not some 15 year old blusher taking out his frustrations on someone that doesn't agree with him.


It's pretty obvious you're just here to feed off other people's disfortune. If you had any sort of compassion, you wouldn't be bringing up age. Way to diss a "15 year old" with blushing problems, congratulations, you must be proud. For the record I'm 31.


Well-known member
It's pretty obvious you're just here to feed off other people's disfortune. If you had any sort of compassion, you wouldn't be bringing up age. Way to diss a "15 year old" with blushing problems, congratulations, you must be proud. For the record I'm 31.

Then start acting your age. If YOU really care about people you shouldn't waste space and time by chasing people around the forum to take out your revenge. Do you have anything construtive to say at all? All your comments are "it works for me" or "you should be slapped". Totally worthless stuff. 80% of your posts are a waste and now you are wasting my time as well.

You are way too sensetive. No wonder you got problems. Seriously.
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To the rest of you, I've been working on the rosacea discs and L-methionine + calcium the last couple of months. I decided to give it some time, but they did not help me much (will keep using the discs). Yesterday I ordered 2 cans (2 months supply) of Argin-Max, will let you all know how they work for me.


Well-known member
I have no care to what you say, Stuckwithme, and apparently not much others care either.

Pilt, arginmax is for your sex life.... I don't think that will make you not blush.. just get you really horny at wrong times.. also it contains vitamins a & e, which I've recently learned is toxic when taken excessively.

I stopped taking the rosacea ltd discs about 2 months ago, it helped a little but not really, so I sent it back.


Well-known member
I have no care to what you say, Stuckwithme, and apparently not much others care either.

Oh really. Let me make it a bit easier for you...

Didn't do anything for my skin, but it didn't make it worse either.

Tried it and returned it. They have a good return policy, so you could give it a try, but I personally didn't find it effective. Not worth the money, IMO!

ZENMED......Anyone tried it? - The Rosacea Forum

I tried Zenmed with no result.

has anyone heard of "ZENMED" - The Rosacea Forum

Made me worse. Reviews on Amazon are not very favorable, either. I should have checked before I purchased.

I have tried. Did nothing for me. Worthless.

ZenMed - The Rosacea Forum

Historically, Zenmed have not done well on the rosacea boards. Genuine reviews were often unfavourable, and they used to send spammers out to block-paste shamelessly identical messages across rosacea, acne and other skin complaint sites. (I haven't seen any of those posts in ages, so we can hope they have changed their ways.)

Here is one old comment from our email-based board, the Rosacea Support Group. However, it dates from 2005, and who knows if the product has since been reformulated?:

"I've used Zenmed's Facial Cleansing Gel and Support Serum for the last 6 months, which haven't irritated my skin at all, but I also haven't seen much of a difference in redness, flushing, itching, and spots. I tried the Oil Free Moisturizer, but ended up with major flaring. Recently got their Nutrient Boost Spray, but have experienced little relief from the heat, redness, and itching of spots that pop up throughout the day."

- zenmed oil free moisturizer? • Rosacea Support Community

Do you want more?

This Zenmed stuff is nothing but sugar pills. They are fooling naive and desperate people like yourself into buying their worthless crap. You might think you are helping people, but this is not helping at all. In my opinion it is not much better than saying "eat some nuts and you will get better".

I still can't help but feel you have an agenda. These Zenmed people are obviously not to trust, being spammers and all, so please convince me why I should trust you?


Well-known member
lalalaa dont care what you say ::p:

do us all a favor, don't waste any more of your time on this forum
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Well-known member
Of course you don't. Sometimes it hurts to hear the truth. To the rest of you sufferes. Be very careful who to trust. Always take posts regarding natural remedies, pills and creams with an extremly large grain of salt. Never trust anyone because there are too many people in this business trying to make easy money on people like you.


Well-known member
Yes, there all trying to make money off of me, exactly why all of the products I've purchased have a 100% money back guarantee. Stupid way to steal peoples money if you ask me.


Well-known member
You silly, silly person. You should really start working on your personality and maybe get a life. I think that might be the best treatment for your blushing. Right now you are not only making yourself miserable, but everyone else too. Does that make you feel better? Take your friend Pilt with you. You seem to be stuck in the same boat.

This forum has obviously turned into a circus. People promoting stuff they know absolutely nothing about, stuff that a door knocking salesman would try to sell to you and you promote it as some sort of cure and while faced with facts and sources at the various Rocaea boards, you're still in total denial. Then these two clowns decide to act like a couple of rebellious 5 year olds and take sides with the VAXA-promoting lady even though they have no clue about what she is really talking about. I mean, how silly can you get. Don't you realize how stupid and desperate it seems? People browsing this forum look for solutions, not personal vendettas and ignorant people promoting vitamins without any knowledge of neither the substances nor the condition.

So instead of reading about someone telling you to eat popcorn to enlarge your penis at The Search Engine that Does at InfoWeb.net, look for a more serious place where people at least refer to medical terms and sources that would explain the reasons to a possible effect.

While it is easy to feel sympathy for desperate people trying out pills from various shady internet sites, one must realize they are wasting your time and possibly are out for your money, despite refering to money back guarantees. Who knows, maybe they're hoping you'd fall for the placebo effect.

Take this VAXA crap for instance. This person here promoting it is in total denial. But wouldn't it be logical to say that if the Rocaea communities dismiss it as sugar pills, their word would be a lot heavier than one unknown person here promoting it as a possible cure. IF there would be a well working agent of any sort, you wouldn't hear it here first. You would hear it at the Rocaea forums. Those people are fighting at the front togheter with their doctors and they have tried just about anything. And wouldn't it seem logical that if the manufactor of the pills really believed in their stuff and if it really worked, they would have to write fake reviews and spam the internet which has been the case according to people at the rocaea boards.


Well-known member
Don't forget that different remedies work for different persons - what might give one relief might not work for another.

Proofs of that our body are different are many, for example, how different side effects people get after ETS, or that many overweight people never get diabetes.

So therefore, in my opinion, it is wise to try everything that had success in another person, because it can potentially help you as well. It's worth the try, and keeps up the hope.

I know for sure that discouraging behavior, like yours, can not solve anything.


Well-known member
Your arguing on this thread is doing nothing for you or us, I honestly think you get the enjoyment of trying to make people sound stupid. Which you're the one sounding stupid because you know nothing of the natural remedies I've been trying, and are not trying to relate to any of us whatsoever. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, I know what works for me and what doesn't. Stop wasting your time writing on this, you've found the medical science drugs that work for you, and clearly you're taking nothing else into consideration, so do us all a favor and leave.

It is not a placebo affect. If I was stupid enough to fall for the placebo affect, I would've been "cured" a very long time ago.

And with that popcorn enlargement bs... wtf??? That link doesn't even lead to a page that says eating popcorn will make your wang bigger, bringing up eating apples and bananas and other ridiculous foods into this is completely irrelevant, you are starting to sound like a silly, silly person.
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Well-known member
This is a symptom I used to have. I don't know why it started or why it stopped. Out of nowhere about 5 years ago I would get nervous, anxious, or embarrassed and my face would go red hot to the point I would get these red blotchy break outs on my face. It was horrible. Then within like 1-2 years it just went away. Now if I blush it is just normal blushing. Go Figure?


Well-known member
This is a symptom I used to have. I don't know why it started or why it stopped. Out of nowhere about 5 years ago I would get nervous, anxious, or embarrassed and my face would go red hot to the point I would get these red blotchy break outs on my face. It was horrible. Then within like 1-2 years it just went away. Now if I blush it is just normal blushing. Go Figure?

Luckyy .. it's not going to be that simple with me because I've already developed this obsession over it where it's constantly on my mind for everything I do. Also my mom suffered from this type of anxiety too and it ruined her life, so if I don't stop it now it's going to take over my life too.