How To Keep This High Feeling?


Well-known member
we'll I've had problems with anxiety forever as some know here but every once in awhile I get this fight inside of me to either die or fight out of this hole I'm in. and over the past few months I've felt like dying and not trying, I lsot all my friends, my sister who I was the closest to my whole life doesn't talk to me anymore becuase of an argument and haven't talked for 5 months and I been pretty housebound lately and progressivly worse everyday, I was never afraid to answer phone calls like some of you and now I am.

Now I've got this past week like "okay you have to fight back or you'll never change" feeling. I try to think of everyday as a positive and give myself positive reinforcment as much as possible. last week I hung out with my cousin and got drunk and it was a fun night. Then these past couple days I've been applying at jobs everyday and take care of myself make sure I look good even if I don't feel that way as in not putting on a t-shirt and sweats and sitting on the couch watchin TV or surfin the net, and isntead put on some ironed jeans and cool shoes and just look clean. I've answered the phone and called places becuase I jsut think "if you don't do it you know you'll regret it and no progress is made like the past 2 years really"...

recently I was talkin to some girl on the internet and she wanted me to call her ( becuase she thought I was cute, I get that a lot but that doesn't help my social awkwardness) and I sat there like 5 minutes panicking but if you just press send there is nothing you ca do so I jsut pressed the button and conversation was a fail but I try to think it's a plus becuase even though I stumbled over words and talked too fast so that she asked "what?" a few times it was awkward but I did it, so that has to be progress. I just feel like for some reason I just been waiting for somebody or something to get me going but I'm realizing if I want to change I have to climb the big ass hill infront of me myself becuase nobody is comign to the rescue. My anxiety is very high and I still can't talk to people well but I'm forcing it. I know I hit rock bottom again cause I just really wanted to die last week. Now I wanna change.

My question is how can you keep this feeling, lol? this isn't the first time I've had this high were I feel I can finally break the barrier. Maybe ya'll don't know but I figured my best answer comes from ya'll success stories. It just seems the devil gets in my ear eventually like "you really haven't done shyt, your a failure" and then I believe it becuase believe me I hear myself thinkin this constantly still.
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do u go to CBT? I can se ur trying to expose urself like I do... but have no results, like me.. so the point isn't only in exposing u, but changing the way u thing that's the cognitive part, of cognitive behaviour therapy.. I'm suppose to start.. so I can't tell u anything yet.. hope I helped if u want to chat my msn is [email protected] :D feel free to contact me :D


Well-known member
Bi-Polar? it's possible but I don't think so my mood really doesn't go from one extreme to another, I'm almsot always consistant, and my sister is bi-polar and she can get really mad or happy out of nowhere I'm nowhere near like that but some form maybe? I don't get this feeling that often I mean every few months I feel like I can change and get better.

And to chained. thank you! I don't go to CBT but I've actually been looking into going into it, anyway to get better! I don't have msn messenger but I might download it soon to talk to people off a few sites that are interested in IM'n me and I want to know how your session goes first lol


Well-known member
^^yeah that's what I mean it always fizzles out after awhile, i'm hoping this time will be different. I dunno it may be a guess and it may sound corny is that I always told people who know me that I THINK I'm getting better...when i say think, I'm leaving some doubt so I try to tell myself I KNOW I'm getting better...corny? maybe but I'm trying to block out the doubt becuase I'm tired of seein the world go by and I'm wasting my life in my room getting older cuase I'm 21 and still young, and I don't want to live like this anymore.


Well-known member
I've wondered at times if I am bipolar. I have waves of depression, anger and quietness as well as waves of happiness, fun and outgoing. It's been a little while since i've had a bad wave come through but I always wonder if it's right around the corner. Thought about going to get checked to see if I have it, but gotta wait till I have insurance.


Well-known member
high feeling gone, gone back to FEELING hopeless. I try to fight it and I will fight it still but damn life is hard, I know you have to fail at life to be successful but I been tryin hard and I haven't made any progress like I'm running up and escalator thats going down. I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back it's the story of my life. I'm not gonna give up yet though, this is jsut a setback.
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Yea people can slide back and forth because anxiety isn't a one-way street unfortunately. It all depends on your thoughts and those can improve or worsten easily. Don't give up. Go to CBT. You have something going for you (girls think you are cute) taht is going to make social interactions easier. Find something to do with yourself. Work on your fears here with us.


Well-known member
thanks bro I will, this site is theraputic. Matter of fact I'm feeling good today so I'm gonna check into that online today and see if I find a place that does CBt near me...Gotta change and get better, no brakes! lol


Well-known member
No that's not uncommon, don't feel bad about it at all. I do the same thing. There are periods when I feel like I can take on the world, I wanna try and go out and have some fun, talk to people and stop being so isolated because I feel like I'll be alone forever if I don't. And the next week I get intense feelings of doubt, sadness, like I won't be able to overcome anything. It's not the easiest to deal with at all.


Well-known member
something I'm really proud of I'll let ya'll know is that like 5 or 6 months ago I made a thread saying that my sister who is probably the person who was closest to me and we always told eachother things, and I got into and argument over her niece becuase she was moving away with an abusive boyfriend and she had problems drinking and I didn't think it was fair to my niece becuase she was happy living at my grandmas with no issues. Anyways I've been sad a lot becuase I don't have her to talk to anymore and haven't spoke to her in 6 months when we used to talk everyday practically and she moved a couple states away to Arizona so I don't see her....

Well yesterday, I got a feeling that I shoudl finally call, I sat there for like 5 minutes contemplating and just thought to myself "screw it" and pressed send so now it's ringing and my hearts pacing and after like 5 rings I didn't think she was gonna pick up and then she said "hello" all quiet and unsure like I was, it took me a second to answer but then I was like "hi......" and then we both started laghing and we ended up having a great conversation for about 20 minutes and we both talked about how we both wanted to call but were both scared and we were both extremely happy we were talking again. Just feels like a weight has been lifted off me and I have a sister again so it's progress.
something I'm really proud of I'll let ya'll know is that like 5 or 6 months ago I made a thread saying that my sister who is probably the person who was closest to me and we always told eachother things, and I got into and argument over her niece becuase she was moving away with an abusive boyfriend and she had problems drinking and I didn't think it was fair to my niece becuase she was happy living at my grandmas with no issues. Anyways I've been sad a lot becuase I don't have her to talk to anymore and haven't spoke to her in 6 months when we used to talk everyday practically and she moved a couple states away to Arizona so I don't see her....

Well yesterday, I got a feeling that I shoudl finally call, I sat there for like 5 minutes contemplating and just thought to myself "screw it" and pressed send so now it's ringing and my hearts pacing and after like 5 rings I didn't think she was gonna pick up and then she said "hello" all quiet and unsure like I was, it took me a second to answer but then I was like "hi......" and then we both started laghing and we ended up having a great conversation for about 20 minutes and we both talked about how we both wanted to call but were both scared and we were both extremely happy we were talking again. Just feels like a weight has been lifted off me and I have a sister again so it's progress.

Man thats good. I have the exact same relationship with my big sis, and it always makes me feel bad when we argue and dont talk for a looooong ass time. Good that you guys are talking again tho


Well-known member
I'm the same way when it comes to my mood. I think you just gotta keep up the fight and the reason we fall back is because sometimes fighting anxiety can be too emotionally exhausting and we get tired and give in to the anxiety and depression.