how to be happey and sucessfull this very moment ?

johnny 85

Well-known member
we need to share ideas on how to be happey and sucessfull this very moment so we stop living in the past and the future and start to live the present and see life differently

so what is your ideas ?

build a time machine, so i can go back and undo the stupid tings on done in the past ::(:


Well-known member
build a time machine, so i can go back and undo the stupid tings on done in the past ::(:

I did this once. It seemed to work fine at first, but then I realized that my past self was a separate entity from me, and while he was living a fulfilled happy perfect live, I on the other end was still a little boy trapped in a young adult body, helpless to take responsibility for the things I've done, and so I grew green with envy and killed him.

You'd think because I killed myself in the past that I wouldn't exist right now, but then I discovered that time is just an illusion and the present doesn't care about the past. It only cares about creating more present. It's just like they say in quantum mechanics, time can't be an operator because it's not an intrinsic property of observables like position is.
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Well-known member
well really all you need is a distraction that shifts you from one state to another just say i start watching a comedy on dvd then i feel much better really it could be anything that makes you feel productive, if you are just sitting around then your mind could stray towards the depressive but that is out of habit, next time you are sitting alone and you feel down then write down what it is that is making you feel down, is it because you dont feel productive or useful? is it because you are unhappy about something?


Well-known member
For me, the key is contentment. To be content with my life as it is right now, how it will be in 6 months, 1 yr, 5 yrs, etc.


Well-known member
I think the key to being happy with your life is to stop caring what people think of you. Isn't that the whole problem with social anxiety? It is for me. I'm scared to talk to people because I'm scared I'll make a fool out of myself and people will see me as stupid or immature or whatever else. I think you just have to keep telling yourself that you're living YOUR life through YOUR eyes and by changing the way you live because of someone else is silly.