How much does ugly really count?!?


Well-known member
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
Kien said:
Scrabbl said:
And good ass > good tits. :wink: :p
Woot! Butts doesn't have much shape if you get what I mean. But tits have lots of variation on their shape. You don't notice a butt as much as the tits on a girl do you? :? Heh I don't care if some has nice ass or not, but if I would have a girl and she turns out to not have very good looking tits, I would be very dissapointed. Butt does not matter to me though. ;)

Would you reject a girl that was perfect in every other way if she didn't have "good looking tits"? :?
Nope but she should not look ugly. Ugly tits are rejecting, seriously. :/ I don't want to have to see ugly things whenever a girls shows herself.

Ummm i'm sorry...But how would you feel if a girl rejected you for having ugly genetalia?! It's just the same!


Well-known member
I think a woman's appearance is very important to most men when it comes to attraction. If you believe you are average firstly you may be wrong and could be downrating yourself people with SA often do this. But if you really are average I am confident that you can improve your attractiveness by at least two points by being well groomed, standing out and taking up an exercise program. So if you consider yourself a 5 at the moment you could get to a 7 if you are really well dressed and groomed and in shape and have clear skin etc. I think if you are a 7 you could be considered a hottie.
I think you may find also that the most appealing guys often go for personality over looks because they are so bombarded by a continuous stream of attractive but unfulfilling women. Good examples are Jamie Fox and Oprah Winfrey, Dwayne the rock Johnson and Dany.


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
Kien said:
Scrabbl said:
And good ass > good tits. :wink: :p
Woot! Butts doesn't have much shape if you get what I mean. But tits have lots of variation on their shape. You don't notice a butt as much as the tits on a girl do you? :? Heh I don't care if some has nice ass or not, but if I would have a girl and she turns out to not have very good looking tits, I would be very dissapointed. Butt does not matter to me though. ;)

Would you reject a girl that was perfect in every other way if she didn't have "good looking tits"? :?
Nope but she should not look ugly. Ugly tits are rejecting, seriously. :/ I don't want to have to see ugly things whenever a girls shows herself.

No matter how perfect they are when or if you ever meet her, they're it's not going to stay that way forever. :p Gravity will eventually screw everything up for you.

What I was thinking :lol:
Better to look for people who posses qualities which are going to last!


Well-known member
recluse said:
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
Kien said:
Scrabbl said:
And good ass > good tits. :wink: :p
Woot! Butts doesn't have much shape if you get what I mean. But tits have lots of variation on their shape. You don't notice a butt as much as the tits on a girl do you? :? Heh I don't care if some has nice ass or not, but if I would have a girl and she turns out to not have very good looking tits, I would be very dissapointed. Butt does not matter to me though. ;)

Would you reject a girl that was perfect in every other way if she didn't have "good looking tits"? :?
Nope but she should not look ugly. Ugly tits are rejecting, seriously. :/ I don't want to have to see ugly things whenever a girls shows herself.

Ummm i'm sorry...But how would you feel if a girl rejected you for having ugly genetalia?! It's just the same!
Exactly. The thing is that women with ugly tits are often disgusting to look at. Really rejecting. I don't want to be disgusted whenver I would see my girl with less clothes. And yes women may very well get disgusting with age.


Well-known member
Kien said:
recluse said:
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
Kien said:
Scrabbl said:
And good ass > good tits. :wink: :p
Woot! Butts doesn't have much shape if you get what I mean. But tits have lots of variation on their shape. You don't notice a butt as much as the tits on a girl do you? :? Heh I don't care if some has nice ass or not, but if I would have a girl and she turns out to not have very good looking tits, I would be very dissapointed. Butt does not matter to me though. ;)

Would you reject a girl that was perfect in every other way if she didn't have "good looking tits"? :?
Nope but she should not look ugly. Ugly tits are rejecting, seriously. :/ I don't want to have to see ugly things whenever a girls shows herself.

Ummm i'm sorry...But how would you feel if a girl rejected you for having ugly genetalia?! It's just the same!
Exactly. The thing is that women with ugly tits are often disgusting to look at. Really rejecting. I don't want to be disgusted whenver I would see my girl with less clothes. And yes women may very well get disgusting with age.

Jees..what happened to accepting people how they are, flaws and all!

Just because a girl's chest isn't particularly attractive to you doesn't mean she will be "disgusting to look at"...good luck finding a girl that'll live up to your expectations! You might need to compromise and go for a Barbie doll, though :roll:

Surely you can't really be as shallow as you're sounding right now?


Well-known member
I must say...

I am in a state of shock.

Just because nobody can reject the person that loves because it has ugly tits or ugly theet or any other ugly thing.

You can reject someone you hardly know, someone you just want to have sex whith

Not the person you love

This is ridiculous


Well-known member
Kien- You are truly ugly. I have never seen you, but I know you are ugly -uglier than the ugliest pair of tits even.

Looks can only get you so far. I consider myself to be pretty good looking girl - enough to attract a guy or two. But, because it takes me forever to warm up to new people, often I find that guys don't have the patience for it. Or else, they get sick of my timidness after awhile, etc. They might stay with me, but they will make little comments that crush my self-esteem even lower (even if they don't realize it.) Maybe it's because I am finding guys that are much more outgoing than me - so they get particularly tired of it sooner. I don't know. But body issue/appearance is something that really gets my blood boiled. I wish I could be more fun, more lively, more brave. I would trade in some of my looks for that certainly. And I say some, because I know this is a shallow world. And I even feel like a hypocrite for saying that. But, if it weren't for my looks, I honestly don't think I'd ever be approached at all..


Well-known member
lol some of these comments are really funny. One man states his opinion and everyones going mad! I agree the world is a very shallow place and there are a whole lot of females who are just as superficial as males but I do believe everyones got a good heart underneath. People who sound shallow, I don't think they are really very shallow. It's just a facade so as not to get hurt. Atleast thats what I've come to understand in my short time of experience.


Well-known member
Even though we call ourselves human attraction is pretty much 90% hereditary. No one is selfish we select partners based on our evolotionary programming and that can't be helped. All the people that are having problems figuring out why they are not getting chicks go read some evolutionary psychology on sexual selection everything will become clear.


Well-known member
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.


Well-known member
Moonie said:
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.

What if someone is perfect in everyday except that they are ugly or too fat for you? What if they are perfect in every way, but are of the same sex? What we're talking about here is attraction. If he isn't attracted to certain types of girls than he just isn't.

God you're dumb.


Well-known member
Moonie said:
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.
Heh I though the opposite.

There is nothing to loose for me. There is no perfect someone for me, I do not long to be with anyone and vice versa. But anyway I wouldn't reject some girl for that reason but I would be dissapointed. Tits comes after face (fat girls are not even in consideration) and matters quite a bit, but not enough to reject.

shield said:
No one is selfish we select partners based on our evolotionary programming and that can't be helped. All the people that are having problems figuring out why they are not getting chicks go read some evolutionary psychology on sexual selection everything will become clear.
Yes. Not everyone can attract he opposite gender. But I often wonder when I see couples who I can't understan why they ever went together.

socialrethard said:
God you're dumb.
Nooh, she's not dumb. :3 One thing could be that she and perhaps most other women doesn't care that much about appearance. ;)


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Moonie said:
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.

God you're dumb.

They're not dumb at all, they've made a very good point actually. :?


Well-known member
oh..i think its way too normal that Kien likes girls with beautiful tits..beautiful face..and beautiful everything.Im the same way..only difference is that i whould only date and like girl who wears gasmask(Typ: ND Mark IV .Used by: US Navy..whould be perfect!!!)
I know..there must be someone..out that..
khhh..well, i wish myself good luck with this...and good luck to you Kien and your search for perfect tits..and good luck everybody!

..and god is dumb.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd wrote:
What we're talking about here is attraction. If he isn't attracted to certain types of girls than he just isn't.

Rules of attraction are one thing, everybody has a model in their heads about things that they find attractive in the opposite (or same) sex.
Its a part of human nature, animals has we are, we have a tendency to look for the best qualities in a partner.


Love is blind

Theres no runing from it, it realy is.


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
SocialRetahd said:
Moonie said:
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.

God you're dumb.

They're not dumb at all, they've made a very good point actually. :?
She missunderstood.

Scorpius said:
Love is blind
Yes and that's why you can fall in love with a girl's face and still not her personality.


Well-known member
Kien said:
coriander1992 said:
SocialRetahd said:
Moonie said:
Well, I guess the main reason I am so called 'attacking' Kien is because I feel sorry for him. Perhaps he does not care, but I hate the idea of ANYONE missing out on their perfect someone over something as trivial as breasts (or what have you?)...As a previous poster said, what if he finds a woman who is absolutely awesome in every way- except her less than perfect breasts? I just think you are really shutting the door to great opportunities- if one has this viewpoint.

God you're dumb.

They're not dumb at all, they've made a very good point actually. :?
She missunderstood.



Well-known member
I fell in love once with a girl whom I didn't find pretty at first and I'm sure this happens to a lot of people.