I blame myself fully. Technically, I could've made different choices leading up to this point that could've drastically altered my current situation. I might not have SA if I had. And I don't believe I have any sort of physical condition that would make that impossible.
The good thing is that my mindset has changed a lot over the years for the better, so I'll be making better choices that will have a better chance of changing my life for the better. It's not that I don't have the same old struggles still. I do, a lot. But I've noticed subtle changes in my behavior such as less avoidance behavior. In high school, for example, I would sit in the bathroom during lunch sometimes or before school to avoid having to socialize with people. If I could do high school again with my new way of thinking, I wouldn't do that. I would at least try.
See, I had this intense fear of being disliked or rejected, which still lurks in me to a lesser degree. But one thing I've learned is that it's very hard for anyone to reject genuine kindness and a good heart. If you simply approach people with a kind and friendly attitude then, even if they see you're a bit nervous, they can't really be mean to you.
I always had this problem of not knowing what to say - a lack of conversational skills - but even if I just had said simple things like "Hi, how are you today?", that's fine. I always put too much pressure on myself to be funny or this really entertaining guy. When you're in the head space of trying to be funny or entertaining, that's when you can't be that way.