How many friends do you have?


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pre-internet, I had three true close freinds

since then I'd say I've added some more that I've met in real life too and I hang out with them


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renegade said:
Invisible_Alien said:
Just having people who you can call up to go out with sometimes doesn't necessarily mean they're real friends.

You'll se they are friends when u will lose them, I don't wish u that though. Not wanting to be rude, but they mean a great deal, even if u can't tell them everything. Imagine yourself having no one to call if you're dying to go out one evening or you just want somebody to accompany you when u go somewhere.

Yes, what you say is true and they're probably closer to me and mean more to me than I'd like to admit. I'm sure that if I did lose them I'd miss them in one way or another. Lord knows I've lost quite a few already and I do miss them. What I meant by them not being ture friends is that they have never really been there when I needed them. I'm the type of person who would drop everything and drive miles to help them if they needed it, yet they wouldn't do the same for me. They always call me when they need someone to talk to or feel upset or what not, and go on and on bitching about their trivial problems as if they were the end of the world, yet they would never be able to realize if I were ever depressed or might need someone to talk to, even if I were standing on a ledge about to jump right in front of them. I'm just using that as an example. Maybe I just expect too much of people sometimes. Well, I used to at least, cause now I just depend on myself.


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I have a great boyfriend but,he doesn't understand social anxiety or how bad it is.i tell him but he just doesn't get it. :( I love to come here to this site where people understand.


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none, null, zero, nada, na - only friend i have is my parrot ,its funny - it entertains you, it pays attention to you, feels the same way u do about humans and it never leaves you.


Well-known member
I have never had any friends in the past.No friends now and I will never have any friends in the future. :cry:


Well-known member
There is that fighting spirit. These forums seem to be helping you guys :roll:

Seriously its time to get some egg on your faces. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Its amazing how easy it becomes once you start trying. Sure its always awkward particularly at the beginning of a friendship. Even if that person seems so confident and self assured than you come across believ me they are just as afraid and excited as you are.

Its worked for me so it will work for anyone.


I have one real life friend.. but im pretty sure he only befriends people when he thinks theres an advantage for him.. basicaly i think he uses people.Plus he made my drug habit ten times worse.So a pretty shitty friend really

I only have like one internet friend :? i cant even seem to manage to make mates over the net but anyway.. the one internet friend i do have.. well she thinks she loves me and wants me to fly over and meet her 8O
which im scared to death to do, cos i think she's fooling herself and probaly doesnt quite understand how bad i really am to deal with in real life.

And i have my dog, mini :)despite her stealing and chewing anything she can get her thieving little paws on, she really has made a posative change in my life since i got her bout a month ago.And my mum.. who is more like a mate than a mum.


Well-known member
I only have two people I would consider friends, neither are very socially outgoing, and I'm not being cruel or anything but the other one I'm pretty embarassed about, I suppose I wouldn't admit to most people that he's my friend. He's kinda geeky and doesn't really think before he speaks, and I'm a superficial bastard so I always worry about what people think when I'm out with him. I don't really get much of being around him either. We're just very different people I spose. The other friend is just kinda like me, but he never wants to do anything much, like going out. I feel so old :roll:

I have tons of old friends, who I only really talk to on msn...and I've lost contact with about 90% of them, so I guess theyre not really friends anymore. I've changed alot as well, so it'd be weird if I saw em again

You can see why I get kinda depressed, cause these are the two people I hang around with all the time. At home I'm stuck in my room most of the time, my mum hates me. But I am grateful for having friends at all, I can't imagine how hard it would be if you had no-one.
I have quite a lot of friends, but no best friend anymore, unfortunately she turned into a major b**ch when she met her boyfriend, and she ran away from home to live with him, because her parents disaproved. Stupid in my opinion, cos she had a good family, and at nearly 18 running away is a pretty childish thing to do. Haven't seen her in a year now, still hurts, she believed what other people told her I'd said about her boyfriend (all lies) even though I'd done nothing to deserve her mistrust. Friends are just more people who will end up hurting you.

Thankfully I also have my boyfriend, who is my closest friend, people say boyfriends come and go, but friends stay forever, in my experience it's been completely the opposite, maybe I'm strange :p

*Rant over*

Naomi x


Well-known member
Invisible_Alien said:
"Friends" can have many different meanings. I realize that I have no "true" or "real" friends. Well, maybe one. I do have people who I refer to as friends who I hang out with occasionally but in the years I've known them I have never divulged anything personal or private to them, and seriously doubt I ever will. Just having people who you can call up to go out with sometimes doesn't necessarily mean they're real friends.

I agree with invisible_alien here, in that respect I have 2 friends who I hang around with sometimes and 1 friend who lives far away from me so we only talk sometimes. Still, I am grateful for them, as I cant imagine not having anyone in my life.


The only friend I have is my fiance. He's a wonderful person who totally understands me & always helps me in every way. :)

I used to have many "friends"...& then I realized that:
-ppl I know a little
-ppl I help solve personal problems whenever they ask me to
-ppl who usually take advantage of me
-ppl who try to ditch me whenever I have a problem to discuss
-ppl who never even tried to understand me

...are not friends. So, 3 years ago I decided to get rid of them.


Active member
Richey said:
There is that fighting spirit. These forums seem to be helping you guys :roll:

Seriously its time to get some egg on your faces. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Its amazing how easy it becomes once you start trying. Sure its always awkward particularly at the beginning of a friendship. Even if that person seems so confident and self assured than you come across believ me they are just as afraid and excited as you are.

Its worked for me so it will work for anyone.

I do that quite frequently, i make a fool of myself but sometimes you find you can get on really well with someone you have never met. Im lucky to have quite a lot of close friends, i also have quite a few friends although some i would rather do without. Its not that i dont get asked to places and stuff because i do, i just never seem to enjoy myself or get bored, feel wierd etc. Ive also made a few friends on the net but its easier on the net to talk to people, it seems less real.



Who needs them anyway! But fortunately for myself, I have been lucky to have met a woman who has stuck with me,no matter what I go through,and is sympathetic to my situation. She is definitely the best friend I have ever had,and I too haven't had that many,so don't feel bad about that.


Well-known member
nexus said:
I used to have many "friends"...& then I realized that:
-ppl I know a little
-ppl I help solve personal problems whenever they ask me to
-ppl who usually take advantage of me
-ppl who try to ditch me whenever I have a problem to discuss
-ppl who never even tried to understand me

...are not friends. So, 3 years ago I decided to get rid of them.

I honestly think that getting rid of 'toxic people' is one of the best things you can do for your self esteem, so good on you!. Now I just need to figure out how to undo all the emotional damage they have caused.
I have 3 or 4 people I talk to at school and would call friends, but only one friend who I would call or meet up with outside school. The hardest thing for me is trying to hide the fact that I spend most of my time at home on my own, or with my family, which at 15 is starting to get a bit sad and 'uncool'.