how do yu figure out what you want to be?


Well-known member
I want to work! I want to make a good living. I want a car and a house with food in the fridge, maybe a dog or two. I want to go on vacations with my family and live a happy life. I dont know how to get there. seems like things i like to do make no money or are too far fetched. for example i like cleaning, child care (broke as a joke) modeling (not tall enough and brokee unless youre a supermodel) singing/song writing (yeah like im gonna be famous). well how do i find out something i could do? how did you guys pick your career path? i am 20yrs old and i want to make something of myself and start working towards that goal within the next year. how do i find my path? im lostttttt!


Well-known member
Yeah i dont know anyone who knows what they want to be. they just found a job that pays their bills (well most of them) and stayed. i dont wanna be like that. they all seems so miserable with their work. whats a girl to do.


Well-known member
Well, you could go into music or talent management, study to become a teacher or professor, or some other random profession. Are you in college yet? If not, and you have the financial stability to go ahead with it, get yourself in and don't worry for a while what you want. Most undergraduates don't know what they want to do and change majors like clothes. You'll have 4 years to figure out what you like by trying out classes.

Furthermore, a lot of colleges provide majors for people who don't know what they want to do yet.


Well-known member
I think they call this stage in life self discovery. It's not as appealing as one might think.


Well-known member
I'm lost too. All I know is that I don't want an ordinary life. I wanna be a rock star but I don't even know how to play the guitar and I can't sing. I have no motivation to even learn the guitar. Go figure. I have no idea, I'm totally lost.


Well-known member
When I figure out how to figure out what I want to be, I'll sell you the formula. Until then I have a dusty chalkboard, a few small pieces of chalk, and the rest of my life to find the right one.

Now where'd I put that damned eraser?


Well-known member
I just took a bunch of random classes in college until i found something i was interested in. I went from spanish to linguistical anthropology, to linguistics to Communication Sciences and Disorders. So now im going to be a speech therapist!


Well-known member
I decide because of what I enjoy; Writing, photography, writing plays, art .... But I still have days where I am so confused by what I wanna do with myself. I want an interesting career that won't make me dread life.

How do I figure out what I wanna do? Well, I think the talent comes naturally. Meaning ... you may love something but that doesn't mean it's your career path. I hope that didn't sound weird. :/
Like my therapist has told me, I could go to college and find some other career I'm interested in that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm currently in love with. Or that I may end up doing what I've always dreamed of.

My opinion; You just gotta wait until you get that feeling that this one certain career is the right one ... you'll feel it in your gut and it'll sound like it's the right choice.

I hope this made sence. lol .....


Well-known member
I feel ya, Im 21 and have no idea what to do. I am so lost. Whats even worse is that I never held a job. I been thinking that since I am so lost and have no idea what do to. I think I should just get out there and try new things and see if I can find something that im good at and can make a life from it. good luck!