How do you spend your birthdays?

Nothing, I can't stand being the focus of attention, it makes me really nervous and I just want to run to my room and be alone. I turned 21 in July and my dad made me go to dinner, I made him take me around 4 so it wasnt too crowded but it was the first time I had eaten out in 7 or so months. It was nice for a change but usually I just like hanging out at home with my dad and sister.


Well-known member
oNecoOlazN said:
damn. good to know i aint the only one spending lonely birthdays feeling like a complete loser.

Ditto. The only bright spot were that my parents and brother called, and my parents sent me a card. Other than that, it was a non-event. It has been for years now. It's always depressing and makes me feel awful. Hopefully that'll change some day.


Well-known member
lol I actually turned 18 on Oct 10th, the only happy birthday I got was on cards from family, none from siblings or mom. Got some online from random people and online friends. I only like it because I get a little money... oh wait, I got a check... guess that's just a piece of paper for me, with SP and no ID at all.


Well-known member
Happy Birthday jlwriter. On my Birthday my parents, grandmother and sister take me to a restaurant to eat. But i still feel lonely because they are the only people who i have to celebrate my birthday with. I don't really like a lot of fuss anyway.


Well-known member
I need to learn to relax more on my birthday, its just i dont like how its forced to being such a big deal, like you have no choice but to be happy and celebrate it, and that you are reminded that you are older with all the cards splashing that number in front of you etc ...

on the flipside its a chance to bond with family a little more and you share those memories, and you receive all those gifts ..

its a bittersweet for me


Well-known member
i usually spend it with my parents and family. i play it down and say i dont care about it so i dont look like a loser when my friends dont plan anything. ive come to believe i dont care about it, which makes dealing with it easier


Well-known member
I'm so pathetic. I have hardly any friends, and the ones I do have, I invite but I just look so fucking stupid compared to other people on their birthdays. I'm too nervous to even plan anything, I worry about everything... I usually go down the pub, its rubbish, I think it really bores "my friends" (who I don't think I have anything in common with) . I would chose to do nothing, but they'd notice, and i'd feel such a loser having to make some bull**** story or literally telling them I stayed in....