How do you spend your birthdays?


Well-known member
I'll be turning 21 this Saturday and I can't say I'm looking forward to it. In light of this, I was wondering how others here celebrate your birthdays? So far it seems that I'll be spending the day alone, scared I might actually have to be around to see 22.


Well-known member
Happy Birthday on Saturday :)

Well, my birthday was a week ago and I did absolutely nothing, and i'll probably do nothing next year as well, and the year after that. Just another day older I guess, nothing special.


Are you having guests from the out-side since you are not looking forward to it? Or is it just getting older?;)

I'm 16 and I prefer to hold my birthday alone with my parents, but they usually invite my grandparent and his girlfriend over, but that's okay... it not because I don't like them and I like their's just...can't explain it;P...I'm not into the holding a party kind-of-stuff for myself;D... I don't know... when I was younger it was okay, but now I just got used to it... havn't hold something for 4 years with my friends so that's allright!xD

I like going to the theatre or cinema as a great event on my birthday even though I hate the great amount of people, but I'm used to it so it's okay... It's "just" something you have to go trough to experience something god...BUT it's hard;P
I spent my 21st birthday alone sure i got calls saying h-bday but i just drank alone. My 22nd bday same thing an 23rd same shit it's just another day for me.


Well-known member
Have a happy birthday, ljwwriter.

I don't do much. Usually I reflect on my life. How it has gone, where I am, and where I'm going.

When I turned 21, almost 2 years ago, I decided that I was going to get a college degree. I enrolled to my local community college a few days later and in this month, about 2 years later, I've turned in university applications and will transfer next year.
I'm lucky enough to have a couple good friends that I spend my b-day with. Last summer we all went on a camping trip to celebrate our grad/mine and one of my friend's b-days it was sooooooo fun...


Active member
Hope your birthday turns out better than you expect.
Mine was yesterday- I spent it with my boyfriend and he made me a really nice card. I never go out on my birthday as I hate all the November 5th fireworks that we have here in England. Other than the card it was exactly the same as all my other days and not that much of a big deal. I remember my 21st (eons ago) and having a bit of a depressing time at a restaurant with my sister where we were both convinced the waiters were laughing at us!


Well-known member
My family likes to go out to dinner, but most of the time, I don't even feel like going. My birthday is in a few days, and I probably won't do anything's like any other day to me.


Well-known member
freestylemonster said:
I'm lucky enough to have a couple good friends that I spend my b-day with. Last summer we all went on a camping trip to celebrate our grad/mine and one of my friend's b-days it was sooooooo fun...

^ shut up. dont tell me you have FRIENDS and SOCIAL ANXIETY at the SAME time.

....j/k~~ :lol:


Well-known member
cannotbefound said:
simple. i dont celebrate them.
ditto. most of the time i would forget all about it until someone has to bring it up. and i hate it if someone makes a fuss. along with christmas, thanksgiving, new year's, and so on. just leave me alone lol.


i've been lucky for having a few friends over the years, but still i hate my birthdays, well kinda cause i get this calls from old friends it gets very hard to me to thank them, but well i guess they still care about me or they're just trying to be nice... this year i got with my actual few friends and played rockband while drinking beer that's all i need :) not those big fancy populated parties. So you should play something fun and have a nice time alone or with a few persons every once in a while not just in your birthday, btw happy birthday =P
get either calls or messages from friends and family.other than tt nothing any other day.the only thing i hate about my birthday is getting wishes.actually i am fine with is only when the wishes are accompanied with 'OMG i am so sorry tt i forgot your birthday','oh is your birthday today.sorry'.i feel so pathetic.can't they just wish me instead of fussing about when they said it.


Well-known member
I don't celebrate my birthday. I get several calls from friends and relatives and that's all. My parents suggest to go out for a dinner, but this is a big no-no for me, so after all, we eat at home.


Well, my b-day is thanksgiving this year, and every other 2 years. In a way i feel special to be born on a holiday. But, i never done anything special, all i always get is 5 bucks from my mom. That's pretty sad...


Well-known member
Usually I hope no-one will come. But usually the same people show up, and I sit around feeling sorry for them, they are really party-people, and they came to sit around being bored to death by me and my parents. My grandparents always show up too, but they're senile anyway so we can usually talk about how big I've grown and what my name was again.