How do you guys summon the 'balls' to go for it!?!?!?


Well-known member
i think because you don't know her or her circumstances and so forth then dont see this is a chance to meet a girlfriend ..put it this way, she could have a boyfriend, you may not be that compatible with her, its a nice thought and its exciting but think about it realistically ...the world doesn't work like this normally unless you both have a mutual physical/personality attraction based on first impressions...

start talking to her and see if she likes you first. just be yourself and try to be a friend..

i've studied courses where its taken nearly a year before getting to know people and what i've noticed is in terms of crushes based on first meeting someone, it rarely works out. you really have to build up a genuine down-to-earth relationship that is based on making that person laugh or just being there as a friend for a while first before thinking about dating. but that is my experience. even then they may only want you as a friend unless you fit into their idea of what they want for a boyfriend.

the best place to go-for-it is at a nightclub on a firday night if you feel you are cut from the right cloth to actually do it with confidence..

i'm a bit nerdy though so this is purely from my perspective..
if you look like johnny depp or have a distinct physical attractiveness that is obvious and you inject a bit of attitude and humour you'll be right as rain.

well yeah i just want to talk to her first

when i see a girl im interested in, my first thoughts are never "ok im going to make her my gf"

just want to know her first


Well-known member

to you brave ppl out there, any tips on how to overcome the anxiety? I think once i do it a few times, ill learn that its no big deal and then it'll be one baby step closer to being normal!

Just go for it bro. Fear is b**** but sometimes you have to tell yourself "look, this is day is mine." Sounds like you did exactly that when you decided to sit next to this girl (cool points for that man! :D) cause not a lot of shy guys would have done that.


Well-known member
To summon my balls, I usually inhale loudly through my nose then scream "BALLS!" as forcefully as possible. Appropriate hand gestures can only help ensure success.

Congrats for sitting next to her. Now the next time she's sitting by herself and you sit next to her, try something stupid like "Didn't I sit next to you a few days ago?" Then maybe try introducing yourself. Just try being friendly and don't push too hard too fast. When my sister was in college, she hated the guys who talked to her when she rode the bus. Especially the one who confided that he'd just gotten out of jail....



Well-known member
ive only ever "summoned the balls to go for it" on one occasion... i was tipsy though... and i had my cousin with me - he's the only person in the world im really close with... and i was overseas so i was repeatedly thinking "its ok if you make a fool of yourself they'll never see you again" to help keep me positive...


New member
The only reason guys dont approach pretty girls they hav never seen before is because of rejection in front of people which can be embarassing for a guy.
I would suggest next time ,try being friends with her and after a good conversation get her number.Dont pester her if she is not interested.
girls have the right to reject guys if they dont know them for their own safety.
Make sure she is 18+ , if not back away.


Well-known member
sorry guys i failed you

yesterday she was sitting alone again and my mind was wanting to sit by her but my body sat somewhere else.. ruined my whole day

i reall really hope i see her again and at least say hi before school is over ::(: