How depression looks like for you?


Well-known member
Depression for me is when the things in life that should make you want to stay alive, just don't have any significance anymore.
More or less like this.
I don't find reasons to live for. I guess I know I'm wrong, but it's how I feel when I'm depressed.


Well-known member
i just feel like an empty shell with no motivation. i cry constantly, can't sleep, scare myself and think too much.


Well-known member
When everything you used to enjoy, or would ordinarily enjoy, just gets really tiring and boring.

Gets really annoying when I can't even play video games anymore. Reading becomes a challenge. Listening to music likely means I'll accidentally fall asleep.

Things you never enjoyed in the first place? Homework? Good luck even starting it.

That ends up being really common for me.


Well-known member
I feel empty, lonely, and useless.

It feels like my mind is trying to kill me from the inside out with my thoughts.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel empty, worthless, cry alot. Everything seems pointless, even the things I really like doing.