How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I almost died at work today - Christmasfest = INSANELY BUSY! I swear, this has to be God's revenge on me for not believing in Xmas.

From thighs-down I ache. I arrived at 7:30, started taking tables at 11:00, worked straight through with an hour long break, and now I'm here. Could've been here hours earlier when things died down but 2 other waitresses were b-tching about not being allowed to leave first (they weren't supposed to but they were moaning and groaning about being cold and sick) so the manager got angry and we ALL had to stay til close. Pissed off about that cause I was there way before everyone else, worked all day, have to work all day tomorrow, plus I'm just as sore and worn out and sick and cold as everyone else, and I didn't complain, but then I had to pay cause 2 girls were mad about not being able to go party and my manager wouldn't grow a pair and stick to her guns.

On the upside - I averaged $20 per hour if I only count the duration I waited tables. Wasn't worth it, but still nice.
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Well-known member
I backed into someone's car today. It was completely my fault and I am incredibly embarrassed and I never want to leave my house again.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I backed into someone's car today. It was completely my fault and I am incredibly embarrassed and I never want to leave my house again.

i feel for you, i am terrified of doing that very thing. ive done tons of stupid stuff on the road. i drove up a one way street once, and ive also zoned out while driving and ran a whole bunch of redlights, it wasnt like yellow turning to red, it was definately red with traffic going across. people had to slam on their brakes to prevent a collision. you just have to do your best to forget about it. it gets better as time passes. im sorry.


Well-known member
i feel for you, i am terrified of doing that very thing. ive done tons of stupid stuff on the road. i drove up a one way street once, and ive also zoned out while driving and ran a whole bunch of redlights, it wasnt like yellow turning to red, it was definately red with traffic going across. people had to slam on their brakes to prevent a collision. you just have to do your best to forget about it. it gets better as time passes. im sorry.

Thanks. I'll try not to worry about it too much...


I've never felt so stress about finals before, maybe its the fact that i need like 5% to pass 2 of my classes. I'm swamped with overdue homework and next week will be hell. If I don't survive, avenge me!


Well-known member
Very very depressed. I don't know what's happening to me. oh no god please save me i'm choking with depression i can't breathe can't think can't sleep can't cry


Well-known member
Irresponsible. I should be studying, but I just can't will myself to.

Same here... I have finals this week. And I have a 10 minute long story that I am going to have to memorize and tell in front of my entire class tomorrow and I am only barely started. Just thinking about doing it makes me nervous, so I have been putting it off for a long time.


im feeling very happy for no reason at all, every now and then the chemicals work out in your favor i guess!

aye it mad that eh! when i have a happy period i want to do everything at once, like watch scotland winning the world cup and listening to all my fav tunes and catching up on coronation street

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
aye it mad that eh! when i have a happy period i want to do everything at once, like watch scotland winning the world cup and listening to all my fav tunes and catching up on coronation street

i know! its like all the colors around you get brighter and you think of a million things you want to do. and i laugh real loud at nothing. its weird!