how are you feeling? (in music)


Well-known member
‪..::Catedral - Eu quero sol nesse jardim‬‏ - YouTube

Eu quero sol nesse jardim
Quero justiça e paz
Quero andar nas ruas, sem temer
Eu quero brilho do luar
Eu quero viajar
Pelo azul dos céus

E quero te entender
Quero te conhecer
Quero correr ao encontro
De tudo que tive e perdi,
Nem sei porque!

Quero aprender a amar
E saber perdoar
Pois teu amor no meu peito
Me mostra direito
O caminho para ser feliz

Eu quero sol nesse jardim
Quero a luz da manhã
E a mais perfeita de todas as canções
Quero a verdade no olhar
Eu quero amor sem fim
Tenho a certeza que você nasceu pra mim.

Translated just so you dont miss such a beautiful song:D:

I want the sun in the garden
I want justice and peace
I want to walk the streets without fear
I want the bright moonlight
I want to travel
By the blue of the skies

And I want to understand
I want to know
I run to
everything I had and lost,
I do not know why!

I want to learn to love
And learn to forgive
For your love in my chest
Show me the right
The way to be happy

I want the sun in the garden
I want the morning light
And the most perfect of all the songs
I want to look the truth in the eyes
I want love without end
I'm sure you were born for me

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