Hi there


Hi, I'm not very good at introductions so uhh, here it goes. I don't really know if I have social anxiety, or a similar disorder or whatever, but reading a few of the threads here I found that there were other people who had similar struggles to me. I'm incredibly quiet, practically mute, and very shy. I can't initiate conversations, and I even struggle with this online. (Although I am better to talk to online). I lack friends, don't really have any close ones and I find it difficult to make them. I'm at university but this doesn't seem to help, I feel lonely and the only people that talk to me are people from my course that want to know something like 'have you done the assignment for this week?' etc. I'm a bit of a recluse, I do like doing things on my own. Although I would like to be more confident and tackle my problems, I fear being an extrovert and I can't seem to get past this.

I'd mention my hobbies/interests, but I'd rather remain anonymous and I have this paranoid feeling that if I tell you then somehow someone who knows me will recognise that it's me.

Anyway, enough about boring old me. Hope to find this forum helpful.