Hi everyone "waves"


I'm a Newbie so happy to be here. I was actually on google trying to get suggestions on jobs that don't require a lot of interaction,I found this board so I look forward to conversing with everyone.

I notice that I have phone anxiety as well, I havent dont much research on this but I'm weird I dont like to call people but may answer if you call me I feel more comfortable. I also get so nervous I stammer. it takes me about 10 minutes to get the courage to call an make an appt and I usually write down what I want to say repeat it multiple times and then make the call.

In social situations if Im sitting down I squeeze my hands together tight I may even scratch my leg I have to run to the restrooms periodically just to catch my breath.

I can type forever so let me stop there lol :D


Well-known member
hello welcome :)
This place can be an amazing resource to vent and discover ways to help with your anxiety. That being said , be careful ;) it can get very very addicting and become counter productive. As for phone anxiety, yeah i get that from time to time , when i am having particularly bad days. I just dont know when my turn to talk is and i will end up interrupting and then my anxiety builds , and i end up rushing off the phone. I have gotten better with that by trying to slow down. I just literally slow down how fast im talking , and listen and try to respond appropriately. In social situations sometimes i have an awkward smile that looks more like a cringe then anything :/ It is weird. Ahh
well welcome :) and i hope you find some solace here!
I notice you say your from the "East side of the states"
Would that mean the new england area?
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Well-known member
You could try a job selling over the phone. I know you hate phone conversatons but i dd it for awhle and it helped build my confidence. I was terrible at frst but you eventually accept the fact that you are talking to people you dont know and will likely never meet/ speak to again and it gets easier. You start off with a script and then after awhle it just starts to flow natuaraly.
Often some of the people you speak to are so rude it can make you feel ten times better about yourself.

Im sure its not for everyone but it helped me. good luck!