

New member
Hey i am braeden i am 16 i am in 10th grade and i have panic attacks and depression and i have sucide thoughts too i am SPED and i get made fun of somtimes for that and my panic attacks has effect my school attdence and also dating and making friends i dont have too much friends cause i have panic attacks i am hoping i can talk and get support thanks


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Welcome to the site.

I hope this place can help you to feel better, or if nothing else, like you’re not the only one with this problem. That alone can go a long way.


Well-known member
Don't worry, panic attacks don't make you any less interesting, important or amazing than anyone else :D
Try to give yourself time when it's happening. Question what you're feeling, rationalize it etc. Is there anything specific that triggers it? Mine were mainly close to or during Math. the teacher singled me out a lot and my panic attacks always left my brain scattered. Oh the horror. I think it helps if you give yourself a pep talk and try to relax as much as possible. One thing for sure do not let it effect your attendance anymore than it already has! I know this may sound awful but I feel as if, looking back now, it's better to go to school and have the panic attack than to stay home. :)
Here's something motivational:
YouTube - The Best Motivation Video


Well-known member
you are not alone. i thought i was the only one too not that long ago! you will be okay bud stick here for alittle while, there is some real cool people who might be able to help you out some.


Well-known member
Hey Braeden, have you stressed out the idea that you could be gluten and/or lactose intolerant? A lot of the time (and in my case) it was the cause of my panic attacks/depression and suicidal thoughts. Perhaps you could try a gluten and lactose free diet? It's worth the mention, trust me!
Welcome! I'm glad you decided to introduce yourself to the forum. A very helpful, close forum, this is. :)