Hey There


Well-known member
I'm new here. I'm a 28 year old American guy living in Germany for the next couple of years. It's cool to find a place with people that struggle with public/personal interaction like I do.

I've been shy all my life, but it's something much more. I can barely even go to the grocery store by myself sometimes... It's weird because it comes and goes in spurts. Right now, it's here. I returned from a trip to Afghanistan in May and I had a ton of friends when I came back. I was out hitting up the bars and traveling, being "social"...doing normal things. About three months ago...something hit me where I just shut down again. I completely blew off all of my friends, except for one.

Now, I'm back at square one. It sucks.

Anyway, glad to be here :)
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Hello Solitude, I'm new here too. The people I have encounted here have been really accepting and truly helpful. They help to make talking here not as hard as you thought it would be.:)


Well-known member
Hi friend,
Yep, I'm good at pushing people away too!
Even did it to my wife and two kids aged 8 & 12.
but i'm trying, and you too when the time is right.
Kind regards Darryl


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for the welcome.

After a reading a few posts by other users, I'm not really sure what my deal is. I see some people talking about not wanting to leave their homes for fear of social interaction. It's really strange because during my normal work day, I have almost zero problems... but as soon as I'm doing things on my "own" time, it's a different ballgame.

I think I may just be really anti-social instead of socially anxious. Or, I'm starting to think that I've learned to push people away before I can be rejected.

I dunno, but I'm screwed up somehow ::p:

Hi welcome to the site. Afghanistan must have been an interesting place to visit.

Hi, thanks. Not really, but it wasn't necessarily by choice.

Darryl said:
Even did it to my wife and two kids aged 8 & 12.

I understand, I did the same thing to my family four years ago.

Serafina said:
Welcome! Germany? Where in Germany, if you don't mind me asking? Are you military?

Thank you. Yeah, I'm military. Living in the Eifel region of Germany.