Hello Jason, how are you do--


Well-known member
--I MEAN HOW'S YOUR FRIEND DOING? Your super awesome, interesting and successful friend, how's HE doing and not you? Cause you're a complete loser! Tell me all about your friend please! :sad:

anybody else have awesome friends and get asked about them relentlessly? I'm about to start a weekly newsletter on some of my friends, so when people greet me like the above intro^ I'll just whip out a 40 page copy replete with updates on his career, marriage, kids, hobbies and recent activities. With pictures and holographic projectors...

I'll have an entire 15 min conversation with a mutual friend who doesn't ask a single question about me or how I'm doing. And i'm just dispensing info and updates about my cool awesome friend like I was just his public spokesperson.



Well-known member
Next time say he's dead, if they ask what happened say you killed him.

lawl, and then slowly draw a gun and begin grinning maliciously toward them.

on a somewhat serious side-tangent though... I get the feeling that these alpha types, who claim that us docile, omega-type lemmings need them to get us anywhere in life, actually need us more. if only to stoke their egos as obedient "yes-men."

having all these third party ppl approach me like i'm a weakling sidekick to my super awesome friend, increases my animosity toward him, and the position i'm apparently in. I need to get rich somehow, and start lauding him with gifts and gestures so he will see that he's not that awesome his head will deflate a little... just kidding.

but where's the respect? ppl only want money and dominance, and docile yes-men to pet their egos. :thumbdown: